Duane Hatchett approached me at my home and handed me his business card. I later called him and he came to our home to meet with us promising he would stop foreclosure on our house and assist with mortgage modification process that we had been unsuccessful with on our own. His fee was $1300 (guesstimated amount of our monthly mortgage pymt).
We were told to stop communicating with chase and to begin making out monthly mortgage pymts to him directly. He insisted he would be giving these pymts to chase on our behalf to show our good faith effort & ability to make future pymts and that all monies would be applied to our amount owed. our foreclosure had been stopped and because our attempts to get mod on our own had been unsuccessful we put our faith in Duane and took him for his word.
In an effort to further reduce our behind mortgage amount and in addition to the $1300-1350 monthly mortgage paid from 4/2013-5/2014 we paid a lump sum of $10,000. This money was handed to your mortgage solutions with the promise and understanding that it was being paid to chase and being applied to our delinquent loan amount. We found out in 6/2014 that chase absolutely nothing had been applied or even received by chase.
I requested Duane on numerous occasions throughout his handling of my file to provide a detailed summary of money received, who he was dealing with and giving our mortgage pymts to with at chase, how it was being applied to our mortgage, etc. every time he said he would get something together and to not worry he had us covered.
I confronted Duane and question why he lied and where had all of our money gone. Finally after several rounds of listening to him saying nothing he told me that the way his business works is he has to pay people with chase basically to make things happen even though it is there job to do it anyways. Referring to stopping foreclosure, getting modification approved, allegedly stopping the accrual of delinquent mortgage, and buying down our interest. I told him we never were told nor would we have agreed to this practice. He requested our mortgage payment every month and told us that it was just that not a form of bribery. I asked him how much he received out of it he said around $3000. Again our agreed upon fee to him was $1300. He never discussed with us and we never received a bill frequenting to be paid for anybody"additional" services. We kept in contact with him and requested he provide us with an update all through out his handling of our case and he never once requested or discussed needing to be paid anything other than the original $1300. He agreed to review file and that even though his office did do over and above work on this file that their probably was a discrepancy in amount received and what was used to "handle" this file. I gave him a week to get back with me. He did not follow up with me after the week and I requested he have $20,000 of my money ready to be paid to me in 24hours. He responded saying this was unreasonable. He lied and mishandled our money to pay himself & others in what appears to be an all out scam and illegal practice preying on desperate homeowners!!!!!
Your Mortgage Solutions Reviews
Duane Hatchett approached me at my home and handed me his business card. I later called him and he came to our home to meet with us promising he would stop foreclosure on our house and assist with mortgage modification process that we had been unsuccessful with on our own. His fee was $1300 (guesstimated amount of our monthly mortgage pymt).
We were told to stop communicating with chase and to begin making out monthly mortgage pymts to him directly. He insisted he would be giving these pymts to chase on our behalf to show our good faith effort & ability to make future pymts and that all monies would be applied to our amount owed. our foreclosure had been stopped and because our attempts to get mod on our own had been unsuccessful we put our faith in Duane and took him for his word.
In an effort to further reduce our behind mortgage amount and in addition to the $1300-1350 monthly mortgage paid from 4/2013-5/2014 we paid a lump sum of $10,000. This money was handed to your mortgage solutions with the promise and understanding that it was being paid to chase and being applied to our delinquent loan amount. We found out in 6/2014 that chase absolutely nothing had been applied or even received by chase.
I requested Duane on numerous occasions throughout his handling of my file to provide a detailed summary of money received, who he was dealing with and giving our mortgage pymts to with at chase, how it was being applied to our mortgage, etc. every time he said he would get something together and to not worry he had us covered.
I confronted Duane and question why he lied and where had all of our money gone. Finally after several rounds of listening to him saying nothing he told me that the way his business works is he has to pay people with chase basically to make things happen even though it is there job to do it anyways. Referring to stopping foreclosure, getting modification approved, allegedly stopping the accrual of delinquent mortgage, and buying down our interest. I told him we never were told nor would we have agreed to this practice. He requested our mortgage payment every month and told us that it was just that not a form of bribery. I asked him how much he received out of it he said around $3000. Again our agreed upon fee to him was $1300. He never discussed with us and we never received a bill frequenting to be paid for anybody"additional" services. We kept in contact with him and requested he provide us with an update all through out his handling of our case and he never once requested or discussed needing to be paid anything other than the original $1300. He agreed to review file and that even though his office did do over and above work on this file that their probably was a discrepancy in amount received and what was used to "handle" this file. I gave him a week to get back with me. He did not follow up with me after the week and I requested he have $20,000 of my money ready to be paid to me in 24hours. He responded saying this was unreasonable. He lied and mishandled our money to pay himself & others in what appears to be an all out scam and illegal practice preying on desperate homeowners!!!!!