Beware DO NOT do business with Yardstick Partners LLC.
Sometime between February - March 2014 Yardstick Parnters LLC stopped paying their brand ambassadors for their work on an ongoing promotion for for the new Dodgers Network #ineedmydodgers .
Time Warner Cable ended up firing Gary Kleinman and Brett Kleinman for their non-payment to the talent hired. Talent has yet to receive full payment including travel expenses for multiple dates.
Yardstick Partners Reviews
Beware DO NOT do business with Yardstick Partners LLC.
Sometime between February - March 2014 Yardstick Parnters LLC stopped paying their brand ambassadors for their work on an ongoing promotion for for the new Dodgers Network #ineedmydodgers .
Time Warner Cable ended up firing Gary Kleinman and Brett Kleinman for their non-payment to the talent hired. Talent has yet to receive full payment including travel expenses for multiple dates.