World Law Group is a debt consolidation company. This company will ask you to stop paying all your credit cards so they can speak with the card companies to get you a payoff. While you have a automatic draft into a bank account which they claim you can withdraw from this account just like a bank. Instead of paying your credit card debt the. Only goes into this account. You can see the money in the account anytime and watch it grow. Meanwhile the credit card companies will sue you for non-payment. World Law claims they have lawyers to represent you if your sued. What they don't tell you up front is they instruct you on how to handle the suit against you and send you papers to file with the courts to represent yourself in court. While your taking care of all the the time and parking fees to go to court World Law is charging your account for legal fees. The credit card companies put a hold on your checking account. World Law will tell you that the credit card companies are not suppose to do this cause it's unlawful. We'll guess what, you have to file a paper that costs you out of pocket $35.00 or more depending on which state you live. Just hope you have cash cause by this time you can't touch your money in your own account. I then wanted to withdraw my money from the World Law banking system. Over a year of making a direct depost of $400 dollars a month they say all that I have is only $24.00 dollars. Why I ask? They claim that all that law instructions they gave me to represent myself was paid to them from my account. This company will prey on people like me who just wanted to get a lower payoff from my credit card companies to pay off my debt. I ended up filing chapter 7. I asked for my $6,000.00 dollars back from World Law they tools me because I had a Bankruptcy lawyer they could no longer talk to me. They took my money! I recently looked up the company by google and found a husband & wife team own this company. the right thing to do would have to give me my money back. Not! They are robbing people and living high on the hog. Do not sign on with this company. Google them and it will show they have been under fire by several States. Better Business Bureau has a long list of offenses on this company. I wish that I had seen these reports before signing up with them. Do not believe a word they say. They should be locked up.
World Law Reviews
World Law Group is a debt consolidation company. This company will ask you to stop paying all your credit cards so they can speak with the card companies to get you a payoff. While you have a automatic draft into a bank account which they claim you can withdraw from this account just like a bank. Instead of paying your credit card debt the. Only goes into this account. You can see the money in the account anytime and watch it grow. Meanwhile the credit card companies will sue you for non-payment. World Law claims they have lawyers to represent you if your sued. What they don't tell you up front is they instruct you on how to handle the suit against you and send you papers to file with the courts to represent yourself in court. While your taking care of all the the time and parking fees to go to court World Law is charging your account for legal fees. The credit card companies put a hold on your checking account. World Law will tell you that the credit card companies are not suppose to do this cause it's unlawful. We'll guess what, you have to file a paper that costs you out of pocket $35.00 or more depending on which state you live. Just hope you have cash cause by this time you can't touch your money in your own account. I then wanted to withdraw my money from the World Law banking system. Over a year of making a direct depost of $400 dollars a month they say all that I have is only $24.00 dollars. Why I ask? They claim that all that law instructions they gave me to represent myself was paid to them from my account. This company will prey on people like me who just wanted to get a lower payoff from my credit card companies to pay off my debt. I ended up filing chapter 7. I asked for my $6,000.00 dollars back from World Law they tools me because I had a Bankruptcy lawyer they could no longer talk to me. They took my money! I recently looked up the company by google and found a husband & wife team own this company. the right thing to do would have to give me my money back. Not! They are robbing people and living high on the hog. Do not sign on with this company. Google them and it will show they have been under fire by several States. Better Business Bureau has a long list of offenses on this company. I wish that I had seen these reports before signing up with them. Do not believe a word they say. They should be locked up.