Darren Byler is a very dangerous man, he is a liar and a cheat. Darren the owner of Wild Alaskan is physically abusive to his dancers. Darren put his hands on me and pushed me to the ground in uncontrollable rage Violently screaming. When I reached for my phone to call for help he took the phone and my computer away from me and hid them. Keep in mind Wild Alaskan is on a boat so I could not just walk out to safety. When I was finially able to receive my electronics I immediately called 911. The police came in their personal boat and help me off the Wild Alakan. The city is charging Darren with Domestic abuse and he is now under federal investigation.
The Wild Alaskan is unprofessionally runned by Darren Byler and Kimberly Byler. The Wild Alaskan is NOT a safe place for dancers to work and live. The owner Darren Byler is very aggressive and physically abusive to his dancers. Darren owns the boat, he is a pathological liar and cheat. Just google Darren Byler and you will see tons of complaints from his previous business endavors from consumers all the way to the federal government. Darren Byler constantly screams at his dancers in rage even taking the dancers personal property away from them. The wild Alaskan is in a far away sucluded location in the middle of the ocean and is not safe for the traveling dancer.
Wild Alaskan Reviews
Darren Byler is a very dangerous man, he is a liar and a cheat. Darren the owner of Wild Alaskan is physically abusive to his dancers. Darren put his hands on me and pushed me to the ground in uncontrollable rage Violently screaming. When I reached for my phone to call for help he took the phone and my computer away from me and hid them. Keep in mind Wild Alaskan is on a boat so I could not just walk out to safety. When I was finially able to receive my electronics I immediately called 911. The police came in their personal boat and help me off the Wild Alakan. The city is charging Darren with Domestic abuse and he is now under federal investigation.
The Wild Alaskan is unprofessionally runned by Darren Byler and Kimberly Byler. The Wild Alaskan is NOT a safe place for dancers to work and live. The owner Darren Byler is very aggressive and physically abusive to his dancers. Darren owns the boat, he is a pathological liar and cheat. Just google Darren Byler and you will see tons of complaints from his previous business endavors from consumers all the way to the federal government. Darren Byler constantly screams at his dancers in rage even taking the dancers personal property away from them. The wild Alaskan is in a far away sucluded location in the middle of the ocean and is not safe for the traveling dancer.