Western Career College is a complete scam. I attended in 2005 since then it has undergone many name changes. I was promised on the job placement, career training center, (that would help me with my resume and portfilio) this never happened. What did happen is I created my on coverletter, resume, and all the degree's and certfication's I received Found my own job interview and was thoroughly embarrassed when i was told by the hiring manager, Umm Im sorry but thse hld no value, What college college didyou say you went to im sure they should know this one Should have a seal, wrinkles his forhead hold up the certificate what the date honey. I say thank for your time. Head straight WCC urprised the building now says Silicon Valley College yet with confidience Isill go insde to be told there's basically no one to help me since I graduated under the previous name. Yeah Im also stuck with a loan I have to repay yet i'll never have a Career.
Western Career College (WCC) Reviews
Western Career College is a complete scam. I attended in 2005 since then it has undergone many name changes. I was promised on the job placement, career training center, (that would help me with my resume and portfilio) this never happened. What did happen is I created my on coverletter, resume, and all the degree's and certfication's I received Found my own job interview and was thoroughly embarrassed when i was told by the hiring manager, Umm Im sorry but thse hld no value, What college college didyou say you went to im sure they should know this one Should have a seal, wrinkles his forhead hold up the certificate what the date honey. I say thank for your time. Head straight WCC urprised the building now says Silicon Valley College yet with confidience Isill go insde to be told there's basically no one to help me since I graduated under the previous name. Yeah Im also stuck with a loan I have to repay yet i'll never have a Career.