The owner - tony ray watkins - poses as multiple personas online: anoncyberghost, commander xavior, ni443rfed, xavior_fba, etc. He harasses and cyber bullies women on twitter and often lies about his age, appearance and technical skillz. Tony likes to pretend that he works in cybersecurity and that he has the skillz of a 1337 hacker News flash: he can’t do jack squat). The truth is that this old man can’t program anything and that he’s never hacked anything in his life. The only thing he can “hack” is his own email account. He attacks people on 2nd hand information that he has not confirmed himself and has an attitude of superiority. He also cheats on his wife with a multitude of online romances and steals from his employees. Avoid at all cost!
I purchased $9000.00 Hot Spring Spa with Ace saltwater system 18 months ago. My Ace saltwater cell stopped working. I called Hot Spring Spa customer sevvice and they stated cells last approx. 18 months to 2 years. Cell replacement cost $800.00 plus installation with 1 year warranty. Now that's a ripoff.
Watkins Manufacturing Inc Reviews
The owner - tony ray watkins - poses as multiple personas online: anoncyberghost, commander xavior, ni443rfed, xavior_fba, etc. He harasses and cyber bullies women on twitter and often lies about his age, appearance and technical skillz. Tony likes to pretend that he works in cybersecurity and that he has the skillz of a 1337 hacker News flash: he can’t do jack squat). The truth is that this old man can’t program anything and that he’s never hacked anything in his life. The only thing he can “hack” is his own email account. He attacks people on 2nd hand information that he has not confirmed himself and has an attitude of superiority. He also cheats on his wife with a multitude of online romances and steals from his employees. Avoid at all cost!
I purchased $9000.00 Hot Spring Spa with Ace saltwater system 18 months ago. My Ace saltwater cell stopped working. I called Hot Spring Spa customer sevvice and they stated cells last approx. 18 months to 2 years. Cell replacement cost $800.00 plus installation with 1 year warranty. Now that's a ripoff.