
Country United States
State American Samoa

WaterShed Reviews

  • Jul 31, 2014

James P. Thomas from Dublin Oh. and his ugly wife(Brooks) are the biggest bigots on the face of the earth. This coward uses lies and descpection to win over people. I have been in the car for hours with this guy and all he does is talk about how the niggers have wrong him. At first I thought he couldn't be serious and he was just blowing off steam because he was a red neck from N.C. oh but no this dude was f***ing rude. I started working for him just after I got out the military and he came up to Detriot with this Conferate attitude.

Like"I should still be owning these peoples". I thought that shit was long gone but I was mistak'in. After the first day I worked for this fucking undercover faggot I was sending out resumes. This guy will lie cheat and steal his way to anything. I wouldn't be suprised if he wasn't in some kind of ponzi scam. Being from Detroit I thought this attitude was long and dead. Now that I'm living in KNoxville Tn I can see that the whole northen south thing still exists. What a bunch of stupid stupid people. I can't wait to get back up north or move out west. The southern metality is old and just plain annoying. Move the f*** on people.

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