I bought a Hermes Birkin bag on these website www.usahanbags.com claiming that the stocks are authentic. After 1 weeks, a postman suddenly knock on my door and requested me to acknowledge the parcel. When i open out, is a marc jacob bag with strong PVC smell which i didnt order. The sender are from china, person contact Wang Gang. I have try many times email to them to resolve these issues, but they didn't even bother to reply. I am writing these review is to warn people out there to be careful on these kind of website claiming their products are from factory and authentic. I am a victim and i hope nobody will fall into their trap. i believe that they have many of these kind of websites out there are from the same person. If possible, please post it so that to warn others
On the 5th of February I ordered a Black Michael Kors snake skin cross body purse. After 2 weeks of not reeiveing this i
E-mailed the company asking how l.ong it would be i recevied no reply I have since e-mailed twice a week all without reply.
Today I received a parcel from the company stated on opening the box I find its a pair ab Nile Sneekers in green.
I dont wear sneekers and they are not the right size anyway. They are addressed to me but there is no packing note or delivery note just a label on the plastic wrapper it gives a phone nu,ber but a recorded message tells me I have the wrong number.
Wang Gang Reviews
wang gang junk
junk buyer beware
Wang Gang associate with www.usahanbags.com
I bought a Hermes Birkin bag on these website www.usahanbags.com claiming that the stocks are authentic. After 1 weeks, a postman suddenly knock on my door and requested me to acknowledge the parcel. When i open out, is a marc jacob bag with strong PVC smell which i didnt order. The sender are from china, person contact Wang Gang. I have try many times email to them to resolve these issues, but they didn't even bother to reply. I am writing these review is to warn people out there to be careful on these kind of website claiming their products are from factory and authentic. I am a victim and i hope nobody will fall into their trap. i believe that they have many of these kind of websites out there are from the same person. If possible, please post it so that to warn others
On the 5th of February I ordered a Black Michael Kors snake skin cross body purse. After 2 weeks of not reeiveing this i
E-mailed the company asking how l.ong it would be i recevied no reply I have since e-mailed twice a week all without reply.
Today I received a parcel from the company stated on opening the box I find its a pair ab Nile Sneekers in green.
I dont wear sneekers and they are not the right size anyway. They are addressed to me but there is no packing note or delivery note just a label on the plastic wrapper it gives a phone nu,ber but a recorded message tells me I have the wrong number.