Arnold with Waiters in Boxers works out of Europe and contacts talent in the US via Craigslist and Facebook and other websites, then contracts them to work, gets paid by his clients in advance, will promise immediate payment and then cite various reasons for delays: I am traveling, Waiting on Receivables, Been Too Busy, the list goes on. He has engaged two parties in the Florida area for an event and not paid either, with the same miscellaneous reasons. We believe that it was not his intent to ever pay.
Waiters in Boxers USA Reviews
Arnold with Waiters in Boxers works out of Europe and contacts talent in the US via Craigslist and Facebook and other websites, then contracts them to work, gets paid by his clients in advance, will promise immediate payment and then cite various reasons for delays: I am traveling, Waiting on Receivables, Been Too Busy, the list goes on. He has engaged two parties in the Florida area for an event and not paid either, with the same miscellaneous reasons. We believe that it was not his intent to ever pay.