Watch out for internt "cash flip sccams"! They are very popular on social media, and more specifically, on Instagram. They post pictures of cash and claim they can add a "0" to whatever value you add to a vanilla reload card (or something similiar) by using some software that can bypass the system. For instance, turn $100 to $1000, $500 to $5000, etc.
Scammers ask you to load the money on the card (typically vanilla reload), and send them receipt, the card number, and the PIN number associated with the card. Once they do that, they take your money and block your phone number and social media profile. This works because the scammer can use their debit card to take cash out of ATM once they are given the card information. These scammers are plentiful, and often get their profiles deleted, so they are constantly making new ones. Because of this, I will not post the user names, but here are some of the scammer's phone numbers:
Vanilla Reload Scam Reviews
Watch out for internt "cash flip sccams"! They are very popular on social media, and more specifically, on Instagram. They post pictures of cash and claim they can add a "0" to whatever value you add to a vanilla reload card (or something similiar) by using some software that can bypass the system. For instance, turn $100 to $1000, $500 to $5000, etc.
Scammers ask you to load the money on the card (typically vanilla reload), and send them receipt, the card number, and the PIN number associated with the card. Once they do that, they take your money and block your phone number and social media profile. This works because the scammer can use their debit card to take cash out of ATM once they are given the card information. These scammers are plentiful, and often get their profiles deleted, so they are constantly making new ones. Because of this, I will not post the user names, but here are some of the scammer's phone numbers:
313-778-3042 313-784-6568 914-575-6608 914-899-0726 313-695-4802 657-400-8660 409-292-0283
218-331-1836 657-400-8660 407-442-1361 313-523-0479 831-287-6179 313-287-0276 989-472-6371
773-969-2039 216-386-5199 708-526-8097 313-523-0479 480-439-0742 970-999-7797 219-552-7343
203-982-4907 205-469-8276 425-658-4208 313-778-3042 404-947-3419 (he's one of the worst)
256-669-0402 312-882-7992 313-438-4657 248-667-1230 530-475-8564 313-718-7554 586-331-5690
682-498-2138 570-221-7979 202-770-1239 248-254-0507 305-340-6111 313-424-7921 586-991-9917
310-980-0538 616-466-6153 904-201-8762 313-208-8262 971-236-5644 906-723-4692 323-825-5883
669-777-9956 813-419-1354 510-431-7357 503-728-6374 315-350-3500 239-300-9677 248-595-4834
937-280-5162 313-718-7554 760-820-5583 626-806-5464 626-806-5464 816-226-4669 810-522-3619
318-382-2160 310-926-2624 702-208-2612 614-902-5533 614-902-5533 773-969-2039 727-860-3104
724-803-4622 312-614-5773 509-269-8540 239-300-9677 567-246-9541 409-229-4544 248-430-6919
434-248-0410 313-695-4802 404-947-3419 502-565-3755 509-269-8540 973-814-7198 314-499-2879
313-202-4122 202-770-1239 954-271-9573 949-392-1298 312-614-2207 313-918-2125 312-882-7992
313-695-0426 248-513-5156 248-716-5855 248-242-5201 313-828-7171 570-221-7979 903-287-8498
507-205-5020 561-771-0323 484-469-8717 570-232-4532 309-413-0320 561-541-0198 313-692-2400
316-536-9771 678-789-4070 313-757-9710 304-716-9325 404-947-3419 (he's a big one too) 313-740-3599
561-373-8172 313-704-7481 304-716-9325 205-469-8276 302-417-1356 678-433-2309 914-206-6738
616-319-9236 313-740-1415 208-621-6560 378-632-4628 313-748-2076 419-707-8310 216-856-9656
248-694-9859 262-648-3796 269-367-7609 313-424-7921