Liars, Crooks, Ponzi Schemers, and Thieves Is how I classify Valuation Visions. If you decide to do business with this company you might want to catagorize yourself into this picture with a dead beat company. I truly don't ever see myself being paid by them. I am constantly getting the run around being told, oh ""Check will be in the mail in two weeks"", ""We just finished our merger and we are behind on payments but we will get a check out as soon as possible"" However they keep sending orders out to me. Which I will NEVER do. PLEASE do not fall victim to this company like I did. I thought they would be honest however Honestly is not their intention at all.
Please do not trust Valuation Visions and do not do business with this company either. Trying to get paid from them is like pulling a tooth from a new born baby. It just WON'T happen. The next thing I will be doing is filing a lawsuit with this company. I truly feel sorry for the employees who are working for this company who is stealing from us Licensed Agents as they are all crooks and thieves just as well. I can't wait to see them all arrested and thrown in jail for this Ponzi Scheme they are running.
Valuation Visions Reviews
Liars, Crooks, Ponzi Schemers, and Thieves Is how I classify Valuation Visions. If you decide to do business with this company you might want to catagorize yourself into this picture with a dead beat company. I truly don't ever see myself being paid by them. I am constantly getting the run around being told, oh ""Check will be in the mail in two weeks"", ""We just finished our merger and we are behind on payments but we will get a check out as soon as possible"" However they keep sending orders out to me. Which I will NEVER do. PLEASE do not fall victim to this company like I did. I thought they would be honest however Honestly is not their intention at all.
Please do not trust Valuation Visions and do not do business with this company either. Trying to get paid from them is like pulling a tooth from a new born baby. It just WON'T happen. The next thing I will be doing is filing a lawsuit with this company. I truly feel sorry for the employees who are working for this company who is stealing from us Licensed Agents as they are all crooks and thieves just as well. I can't wait to see them all arrested and thrown in jail for this Ponzi Scheme they are running.