These two owners of VIP Protective Services are a couple of scam artists. They advertise on Craigslist for Firearms students, Hire me a certified Instructor, Take their money and refuse to pay me for services rendered. Students are now licensed thanks to me but i've yet to be paid and dont expect to get paid. They are liars and cheats. Beware of going to work for them as a vendor or employee, You wont get paid.
V.I.P. Protective Services Reviews
These two owners of VIP Protective Services are a couple of scam artists. They advertise on Craigslist for Firearms students, Hire me a certified Instructor, Take their money and refuse to pay me for services rendered. Students are now licensed thanks to me but i've yet to be paid and dont expect to get paid. They are liars and cheats. Beware of going to work for them as a vendor or employee, You wont get paid.