This company advertises to be the top lending company ,and considerate of what you're going through and very eager to help. However they charge you double, their customer service is atrocious. I was hung up on,on several occasions where I had to call to see what was going on because they never call you back, and one time when I called Jorge H. My loan broker he laughed at memy financial hardship. I have never Ben so apalled. Then when that upset me he literallyhugg up in my face and I have yet to hear from them since. They need to be worried into the better business bureau. I can't even find out who is in charge. And all of this for double what they finance. I was in years because of this and this is my only way to grey the word out there so consumer beware.
USA Lawsuit Loans Reviews
This company advertises to be the top lending company ,and considerate of what you're going through and very eager to help. However they charge you double, their customer service is atrocious. I was hung up on,on several occasions where I had to call to see what was going on because they never call you back, and one time when I called Jorge H. My loan broker he laughed at memy financial hardship. I have never Ben so apalled. Then when that upset me he literallyhugg up in my face and I have yet to hear from them since. They need to be worried into the better business bureau. I can't even find out who is in charge. And all of this for double what they finance. I was in years because of this and this is my only way to grey the word out there so consumer beware.