Saw the ad for it on craigslist for a coaching job had the interview at an apartment complex clubhouse. Met the ceo said he just moved from Florida when he's actually been living here for over a year. Told me that this was the biggest fortune 100 company in Florida, looked it up not there. Said the company was moving to "Milan France," not possible because there is no such place. Has used several numbers to contact me an several emails will talk on the phone to a guy named "Richard" but I hear no sound. All he does it try to impress you by talking about his money and how big the company is. When both are lies and I never hear a voice on the other end of the phone but when someone actually calls him like the receptionist I can hear her clear as day. Will walk to nice cars pretending they are his and when you aren't looking walk to his actual car which he's ashamed of told me he crashed his BMW told another employee he gave it away to a family who needed it but the car was actually repossessed has kid and a girlfriend lied to an employee about it and asked her out to dinner twice says he works at Walmart as a stock boy as a volunteer to donate it to the house of Ronald McDonald also false gave him my money for company shirts never gave me the shirts or my money also signed a contract to receive 250 dollars he never gave that as well said that the company has billboards it has none this company is a complete shame this man is a fraud and should be taken down.
United 1st Class Sports Reviews
Saw the ad for it on craigslist for a coaching job had the interview at an apartment complex clubhouse. Met the ceo said he just moved from Florida when he's actually been living here for over a year. Told me that this was the biggest fortune 100 company in Florida, looked it up not there. Said the company was moving to "Milan France," not possible because there is no such place. Has used several numbers to contact me an several emails will talk on the phone to a guy named "Richard" but I hear no sound. All he does it try to impress you by talking about his money and how big the company is. When both are lies and I never hear a voice on the other end of the phone but when someone actually calls him like the receptionist I can hear her clear as day. Will walk to nice cars pretending they are his and when you aren't looking walk to his actual car which he's ashamed of told me he crashed his BMW told another employee he gave it away to a family who needed it but the car was actually repossessed has kid and a girlfriend lied to an employee about it and asked her out to dinner twice says he works at Walmart as a stock boy as a volunteer to donate it to the house of Ronald McDonald also false gave him my money for company shirts never gave me the shirts or my money also signed a contract to receive 250 dollars he never gave that as well said that the company has billboards it has none this company is a complete shame this man is a fraud and should be taken down.