It is always encouraged that you do additional research, from credible sources, before making any decisions on whether or not you want to do business with a named individual(s) or businesses.
This place is a rip off, Charlie Reeves is an old thug. He is robbing and cheating people everyday and stealing their cars. I am going to continue to warn the public Charlie Reeves is. I found his . This place has a horrible reputation in Garland. Fools are born everyday and "Charlie Reeves is a FOOL" if he thinks he is going to continue to get away with doing people this way.
Unique Auto Repair Reviews
It is always encouraged that you do additional research, from credible sources, before making any decisions on whether or not you want to do business with a named individual(s) or businesses.
This place is a rip off, Charlie Reeves is an old thug. He is robbing and cheating people everyday and stealing their cars. I am going to continue to warn the public Charlie Reeves is. I found his . This place has a horrible reputation in Garland. Fools are born everyday and "Charlie Reeves is a FOOL" if he thinks he is going to continue to get away with doing people this way.