Trusted Traditions, John Markis, A/k/a John A. MaragoudakisTrusted Traditions. John Markis, A/k/a John Maragoudakis Thief, Liar, Con Artist, Ponzi scheme, Price Fixing, PERJURY Lauderdale By The Sea Lauderdale By The Sea Florida
This business is and has been working with another ponzi scheme operator Arcade Currency Palace. They both ripped off the CPA of Arcade Currency Palace. John Markis not his true name is a former federal bureau of prison inmate who now uses the first three and last three letters of his true name to hide his conviction for financil crimes. Just go the to BOP priosn site and type in his real name highlighted above. The owner of Trusted Traditions John markis will lie and provide false sworn information on others to have them arrested.
The guy like Sandikci preys on the widowed and elderly with false promise of returns on the collecable currency they sell. Just go to and click on bad grade link and see SOME evidence for yourself.
This guy is a LIAR and will do anything to push his agenda, even lie to police and government officials. Sandikci and Markis lie so much they have a hard time keeping up with what they said in the past lies. However, there are people out there that do keep up with and document their lies. I have this feeling their scams will end real soon and I do real soon with a heavy regulations on their scam buisnesses coming soon.
Trusted Traditions Reviews
Trusted Traditions, John Markis, A/k/a John A. MaragoudakisTrusted Traditions. John Markis, A/k/a John Maragoudakis Thief, Liar, Con Artist, Ponzi scheme, Price Fixing, PERJURY Lauderdale By The Sea Lauderdale By The Sea Florida
This business is and has been working with another ponzi scheme operator Arcade Currency Palace. They both ripped off the CPA of Arcade Currency Palace. John Markis not his true name is a former federal bureau of prison inmate who now uses the first three and last three letters of his true name to hide his conviction for financil crimes. Just go the to BOP priosn site and type in his real name highlighted above. The owner of Trusted Traditions John markis will lie and provide false sworn information on others to have them arrested.
The guy like Sandikci preys on the widowed and elderly with false promise of returns on the collecable currency they sell. Just go to and click on bad grade link and see SOME evidence for yourself.
This guy is a LIAR and will do anything to push his agenda, even lie to police and government officials. Sandikci and Markis lie so much they have a hard time keeping up with what they said in the past lies. However, there are people out there that do keep up with and document their lies. I have this feeling their scams will end real soon and I do real soon with a heavy regulations on their scam buisnesses coming soon.