Krystal Oswald, and the father of her child John M. Penkal run a facebook Church group called Truly Satanic, this group rips off the idea's and philosophy of a well known plagerist and child abuser. they had been caught numerous times making hateful comment's on other the facebook pages of Legaly recognized church organization's . these two people claim to be Reverend's but have never actualy been ordained by any Legit organization I would like to remind people that it is against the law to fasly Represent yourself as "clergy" in the united state's.
it is in my honest opinion that Krystal and John are just two Loser's with nothing better to do except make up fake religious groups on the internet and troll those who are actually doing anything for Satanism.
this group and its "leader's" need to be ignored and shunned from the occult/Satanic community.
Truly Satanic Reviews
Krystal Oswald, and the father of her child John M. Penkal run a facebook Church group called Truly Satanic, this group rips off the idea's and philosophy of a well known plagerist and child abuser. they had been caught numerous times making hateful comment's on other the facebook pages of Legaly recognized church organization's . these two people claim to be Reverend's but have never actualy been ordained by any Legit organization I would like to remind people that it is against the law to fasly Represent yourself as "clergy" in the united state's.
it is in my honest opinion that Krystal and John are just two Loser's with nothing better to do except make up fake religious groups on the internet and troll those who are actually doing anything for Satanism.
this group and its "leader's" need to be ignored and shunned from the occult/Satanic community.