We originally contacted an individual selling a minivan through Craigslist. The seller, Daniz Atamov, represented himself as an individual seller whose car would pass inspection in Missouri and whose vehicle had not been in any accidents. Car was purchased in Kansas with a Nebraska title.
Van did not pass Missouri minimum safety requirement inspection. It has significant electrical issues, probably stemming from a crash, plus multiple other issues, requiring nearly what we paid for the vehicle to get it up to code. Estimated cost of repair is 75% of what we paid for the van, and over half of the Kelly Blue book price of the vehicle.
We have attempted to contact Transauto, as that is the name that appears on the Nebraska title, to no avail. After three days, a dozen calls, and multiple messages, there has been no response. The voicemail on the website does not mention the name of the company, and sounds like a personal voice mail.
Also, the number in a PREVIOUS Ripoff Report filed against Transauto (and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction), of an individual claiming to be the owner of Transauto was disconnected and a different number had to be found online. Transauto appears to still be in business from the website.
Transauto LLC Reviews
We originally contacted an individual selling a minivan through Craigslist. The seller, Daniz Atamov, represented himself as an individual seller whose car would pass inspection in Missouri and whose vehicle had not been in any accidents. Car was purchased in Kansas with a Nebraska title.
Van did not pass Missouri minimum safety requirement inspection. It has significant electrical issues, probably stemming from a crash, plus multiple other issues, requiring nearly what we paid for the vehicle to get it up to code. Estimated cost of repair is 75% of what we paid for the van, and over half of the Kelly Blue book price of the vehicle.
We have attempted to contact Transauto, as that is the name that appears on the Nebraska title, to no avail. After three days, a dozen calls, and multiple messages, there has been no response. The voicemail on the website does not mention the name of the company, and sounds like a personal voice mail.
Also, the number in a PREVIOUS Ripoff Report filed against Transauto (and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction), of an individual claiming to be the owner of Transauto was disconnected and a different number had to be found online. Transauto appears to still be in business from the website.