How is it possible that through a multi-level company that anyone can join, people are being sold financial solutions to their future? Most of WFGs are under educated and do not have the slightest idea of what finance is. I have learned a lot through my terrible experience and I invite others to come forward and share your stories.
I was sold a life insurance policy as a retirement vehicle. I was even shown illustrations that depicted how my minimal monthly premium would grow into an astronomical tax free retirement account... Very misleading and I was never informed of possible tax consequences.
I was also sold a fixed annuity guaranteed to never go do in value, they never mentioned that the fees alone would eat away at my principal balance. Federal tax consequences were also never informed.
Finance is ddifficult for professional individuals who spent years at a reputable University... How does the industry and our government allow, a teen or an under educated individual to go out into families homes and sell them financial tools and investments, with minimal knowledge and a one-size-fits-all kitchen table presentation.
My suggestion would be to stay away from this multi-level marketing pyramid company and seek advice from qualified financial institutions.
If you wwould like to share your story and maybe even be part of a coalition to stop this scam please contact this email and share your details :
Mystery Shopper Training - i was to deposit 1689.15 in to my account then spend 100 dollars for shopping at your choice of 1 out of 6 stores, then i was to send western union to the named "mystery shopper" then my job was filling out 2 surveys about each of the stores customer service that you experienced. When done faxing in your paperwork and your receipts. in the end you would earn 400 dollars for training...then the 21.15 was for the service charge on the western union. My bank just called me today and now my account is overdrawn and i got a charge of 6 dollars for a refunded check. I called the number on my paperwork and it is now no longer assigned to anyone. I hope no one else falls for this trick. I really thought it was legit becuase i know when I worked at subway back in my high school days we had mystery shoppers that came in quite frequently.
Transamerica Financial Reviews
How is it possible that through a multi-level company that anyone can join, people are being sold financial solutions to their future? Most of WFGs are under educated and do not have the slightest idea of what finance is. I have learned a lot through my terrible experience and I invite others to come forward and share your stories.
I was sold a life insurance policy as a retirement vehicle. I was even shown illustrations that depicted how my minimal monthly premium would grow into an astronomical tax free retirement account... Very misleading and I was never informed of possible tax consequences.
I was also sold a fixed annuity guaranteed to never go do in value, they never mentioned that the fees alone would eat away at my principal balance. Federal tax consequences were also never informed.
Finance is ddifficult for professional individuals who spent years at a reputable University... How does the industry and our government allow, a teen or an under educated individual to go out into families homes and sell them financial tools and investments, with minimal knowledge and a one-size-fits-all kitchen table presentation.
My suggestion would be to stay away from this multi-level marketing pyramid company and seek advice from qualified financial institutions.
If you wwould like to share your story and maybe even be part of a coalition to stop this scam please contact this email and share your details :
Mystery Shopper Training - i was to deposit 1689.15 in to my account then spend 100 dollars for shopping at your choice of 1 out of 6 stores, then i was to send western union to the named "mystery shopper" then my job was filling out 2 surveys about each of the stores customer service that you experienced. When done faxing in your paperwork and your receipts. in the end you would earn 400 dollars for training...then the 21.15 was for the service charge on the western union. My bank just called me today and now my account is overdrawn and i got a charge of 6 dollars for a refunded check. I called the number on my paperwork and it is now no longer assigned to anyone. I hope no one else falls for this trick. I really thought it was legit becuase i know when I worked at subway back in my high school days we had mystery shoppers that came in quite frequently.