To parents with clients @touch point day center,located on weber road.Your children or not recieving the programing that the state check on your children without announcingyourself.Since my daughter has started there -she has dis-located her knee so badly that she now has to wear a knee brace with any kind sports actievty.she has gotten out of the building and gotten her foot stuck in the railroad tracks up the street and this street has alot ,alot of traffic.she has ended up with un-exsplained bruises that happen @touch point.but supervisor racheal peters trys to cover up problems that happen @touch point.I have also witness other clients in wheel chairs fall down a whole flight of stairs and hit her face off the landing .racheal had staff pick her up and put her in her chair.
the problem is no one assest this client to see if there were any head injury from the fall itself and the hard landing.Ihave also witness classroom being left with no supervision @all and there happen to be another client going off and throwing things and 3other clients in the classroom.My daughter was one of the client.Racheal peters has refused to give meds to clients when needed i know and can prove this.Racheal peters also loses her temper infront of parents and stands infront of the door so youcan not leave and happens when issues or brought to her infact she violates civil rights of her client and there parents.there is no chain of command@the weber dayhabilation cenet due to the fact emmilel hartley and nicole johnson or supervisors you would go to.BUT the problem is that those three know and hang out with one another and they cover each other s mistakesthis is only the begining of the problems,my daughter s hippa rights were violated.her personel clothing came up missing-her food came up missing all the time.racheal peters and her staff falsified documents and client information and there is so much more becarefull all parents of dis-able children this place seems like a safe place ,but IT TRULEY IS NOT.KATE CALEY exacted words to me <,we just ware house them.
Touch Point Programs Reviews
To parents with clients @touch point day center,located on weber road.Your children or not recieving the programing that the state check on your children without announcingyourself.Since my daughter has started there -she has dis-located her knee so badly that she now has to wear a knee brace with any kind sports actievty.she has gotten out of the building and gotten her foot stuck in the railroad tracks up the street and this street has alot ,alot of traffic.she has ended up with un-exsplained bruises that happen @touch point.but supervisor racheal peters trys to cover up problems that happen @touch point.I have also witness other clients in wheel chairs fall down a whole flight of stairs and hit her face off the landing .racheal had staff pick her up and put her in her chair.
the problem is no one assest this client to see if there were any head injury from the fall itself and the hard landing.Ihave also witness classroom being left with no supervision @all and there happen to be another client going off and throwing things and 3other clients in the classroom.My daughter was one of the client.Racheal peters has refused to give meds to clients when needed i know and can prove this.Racheal peters also loses her temper infront of parents and stands infront of the door so youcan not leave and happens when issues or brought to her infact she violates civil rights of her client and there parents.there is no chain of command@the weber dayhabilation cenet due to the fact emmilel hartley and nicole johnson or supervisors you would go to.BUT the problem is that those three know and hang out with one another and they cover each other s mistakesthis is only the begining of the problems,my daughter s hippa rights were violated.her personel clothing came up missing-her food came up missing all the time.racheal peters and her staff falsified documents and client information and there is so much more becarefull all parents of dis-able children this place seems like a safe place ,but IT TRULEY IS NOT.KATE CALEY exacted words to me <,we just ware house them.