BE VERY VERY CAREFUL. is A FRAUD! The website was created by someone claiming to be a licensed car salesman by the name of Tony Fernandes. The Motor Vehicle Dealer Board in Colorado says that there is no such person licensed as a salesperson in Colorado. This guy is using the good name and long standing reputation of a the family owned business Rabit Auto Sales, Incorporated as a front to suck in unsuspecting buyers of high end vehicles over the internet.
BE AWARE that Rabit Auto Sales Incorporated is owned by Gary Robitz. Check with the Colorado Secretary of State. Rabit Auto Sales is a reputable, real business that specializes in older low end vehicles. He does not deal in high end Mercedes or Astin Martins and certainly not for the ridiculously low prices advertised on this web site!
Careful scrutiny of the website reveals that the cars posted are all photographed at different locations and likely photoshopped. ""Tony Fernandez"" has faked an entire web presence in an attempt to letigimize his fraud. Don't get sucked in. THE BAD TELEPHONE LISTED ALL OVER THE WEB is 303-586-1805
Tony Fernandes Reviews
BE VERY VERY CAREFUL. is A FRAUD! The website was created by someone claiming to be a licensed car salesman by the name of Tony Fernandes. The Motor Vehicle Dealer Board in Colorado says that there is no such person licensed as a salesperson in Colorado. This guy is using the good name and long standing reputation of a the family owned business Rabit Auto Sales, Incorporated as a front to suck in unsuspecting buyers of high end vehicles over the internet.
BE AWARE that Rabit Auto Sales Incorporated is owned by Gary Robitz. Check with the Colorado Secretary of State. Rabit Auto Sales is a reputable, real business that specializes in older low end vehicles. He does not deal in high end Mercedes or Astin Martins and certainly not for the ridiculously low prices advertised on this web site!
Careful scrutiny of the website reveals that the cars posted are all photographed at different locations and likely photoshopped. ""Tony Fernandez"" has faked an entire web presence in an attempt to letigimize his fraud. Don't get sucked in. THE BAD TELEPHONE LISTED ALL OVER THE WEB is 303-586-1805