FRAUD INVESTIGATION NEEDED; Tony Abbot, Information commission and The big banks' plans to STEAL billions of dollars in unclaimed money from Australiansc and no one will be the wiser.
The heading in the Sunday Herald from the 18th of March, 2015 reads ‘Abbott Government to reverse Labor’s $550m raid on Australians’ lost savings accounts’
The article a liberal party classic where stating the exact opposite to the truth & twisting facts so unrecognisably, that the reader can not decipher the lies.
Tony Abbott Talks about two issues, one ‘protecting people’s privacy” by changing the legislation as to allow ASIC to remove and hide important public information data which can help Australians in tracking hundreds of millions of dollars in lost and unclaimed money.
According to Mr Abbot who is in cahoots with the information commissioner its to protect privacy of those Australians, failing to mention that the ACTUAL result of the changes he is proposing is that it will become very difficult for individuals and organisations in tracking their money or ever claiming it, resulting in the government keeping billions of dollars owed to Australians! One needs to ask Mr Abbot why in the age of NO FREEDOM OF PRIVACY the age of facebook & LinkedIn, and twitter where anyone can be located in less than 60 seconds flat, we have no privacy, so why is Abbott so concerned with the Australian people’s “ privacy”? could it be that restricting that information will result in the his government leally stealing billions of dollars from the Australian public by restricting their capacity to know these funds are theirs an limiting their capacity to claim these funds all under the guise of protecting their interest. What the article didn’t tell you is that Tony Abbott and the liberal party are in no way interest in protecting Australian people’s interests in fact the liberal government cares SO LITTLE they made the decision to disband the Office of Information commissioner in the last budget see link;,
What they are interested in is helping themselves to BILLIONS of dollars belonging to Australian currently being recovered and out of their greedy little hands, they are changing the legislation in order to help themselves to those billions of dollars, by restricting access to ASIC gazette for the general public. Liberals are helping their “friends” the banks in also keeping billions of dollars in lost bank account money by reversing laws allowing banks to in effect “ keep” lost funds in their possession for a period of 7 years before having to report it as lost. Tony Abbot justifies this by claiming to protect Australian’s savings. He simply fails to mention how the banks retaining lost funds and eroding these funds through fees and charges and having use of these funds for almost a decade actually PROTECTS the fund owners interests.
This is THEFT Mr Abbot. If these changes are past through the senate they will be the biggest robbery of the Australian people by its government in the history of all robberies!
This is just another typical liberal smokescreen. Lets pretend to help the battling aussie and small businesses by taking away their rights and stealing access to lost and misplaced money...
We voted the liberals in because they know how to save and implement economic growth. History shows us that over the last 50 years our economy grew when the libs were in power.
But alas what has become of this party?
I think the brains have all been left at the post and Its been easier to just steal money like a stereotypical gangster. Robbing from everyone thats got something to lose. It sounds like the U.S policy of rape pillage and plunder have rubbed off on Mr Abbott except the Americans are doing it to other nations, not their own people...
We live in a free and democratic society where the individual has rights and the freedom of information is a major contributor to that way of living. By suppressing that right we are going backwards. This is not a communist society yet. If Tony Abott takes the right of the Australian citizen to have access to databases of lost money.. then communism is that one giant step closer..
Stop Tony from stealing our right to have access and to recover lost money...and in the process stop him and the banks stealing our billions of dollars of lost money...
INVESTIGATION NEEDED; Tony Abbot, Information Commission and the big banks' plans to STEAL Billions Of Dollars From the Australian Public and No One Will Be The Wiser;
Prime Minister Tony Abbott, hiding bad intentions
Behind his push for legislation changes surrounding
Unclaimed money information and unclaimed bank accounts.
Content below
LABOR has already accused Tony Abbott of helping the big banks by reversing the Gillard government’s policy of seizing money from bank accounts that go untouched for three years.
The Prime Minister this morning announced the government was reinstituting the Howard government’s seven-year trigger for the seizure of inactive bank accounts, saying Labor’s three-year policy amounted to a “smash and grab raid on people’s savings”.
“About 156,000 accounts worth $550 million a year were being effectively confiscated by the government and then of course the government was making people go through months and months of paper work to get its own money back,” Mr Abbott told Sydney radio station 2SM. What Mr Abbott failed to say is that thee funds are confiscated from the hands of the Banks in order to be reunited with their rightful owners! He simply failed to mention that these millions remain lost in the banking system for years, something the banks dont’t mind at all. The longer the banks can have access to your lost monies and dormant accounts the more they can utilise these funds for borrowings, and te more fees and charges they can get for holding these funds. In other words its a rort and Mr Abbot is in on it with the banks.
However opposition assistant treasury spokesman Andrew Leigh called on Mr Abbott to explain why the change is in the community interest.
“Hundreds of thousands of Australians have money in old bank accounts and lost superannuation. We put these rules in place to stop the value of those accounts being eroded over time by fees,” Dr Leigh said.
“By reverting to the old rules, the government is saying unclaimed monies should be held secretly by banks for long periods being eaten away by fees and charges.
“The government needs to explain how this change is in the community’s interest, and not just the interests of the big banks.”
Legislation will be introduced later this year, but it will require the Senate’s endorsement.
Additionally to the banking rort Mr Abbot has his eyes set on billions more sitting in ASIC’s statutory account awaiting collection by their rightful owners, average Australians, and Australian businesses unaware that they have monies owed to them. How can Mr Abbot implement this kind of snatch and grab, well restrict information that allows Australian to identify that they are owed money in the first place. How can he achieve such a dirty deed while appearing of service to the Australian public? Claim its is for our protection, that he is making changes that will restrict Australians in ever getting back their own money, which amounts to billions BECAUSE he wants to protect our privacy, by restricting public information. Monies that become public revenue if unclaimed for a specified time. Who’s interest are you serving in all this Mr Abbot? NOT THE AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC!
What Mr Abbott doesn’t say is that there are billions in lost and unclaimed money because ASIC no longer contacts individuals directly as a result of budgetary restrictions. ASIC relies very heavily on agents to contact the public for them.
Through the agent’s contact, the vast majority of the public will initiate the claim themselves, whereas a small percentage will choose to use an agent.
Owners of fund who reside overseas will never know of funds owing to them if not for full data being available online on ASIC. By restricting access to the full ASIC unclaimed money lists, this will reduce the amount of people being made aware of the money owing to them and will significantly increase ASIC’s , claim processing costs due to the poor quality of applications being submitted.
The bulk of the ASIC unclaimed money belongs to older Australians, Australians living overseas, professionals and businesses. By restricting any pubic information he knows he will restrict them in claiming back what is rightfully theirs. The end result, billions of dollars in government revenue- revenue they are not ethically entitled to.
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Tony Abbott Reviews
FRAUD INVESTIGATION NEEDED; Tony Abbot, Information commission and The big banks' plans to STEAL billions of dollars in unclaimed money from Australiansc and no one will be the wiser.
The heading in the Sunday Herald from the 18th of March, 2015 reads ‘Abbott Government to reverse Labor’s $550m raid on Australians’ lost savings accounts’
The article a liberal party classic where stating the exact opposite to the truth & twisting facts so unrecognisably, that the reader can not decipher the lies.
Tony Abbott Talks about two issues, one ‘protecting people’s privacy” by changing the legislation as to allow ASIC to remove and hide important public information data which can help Australians in tracking hundreds of millions of dollars in lost and unclaimed money.
According to Mr Abbot who is in cahoots with the information commissioner its to protect privacy of those Australians, failing to mention that the ACTUAL result of the changes he is proposing is that it will become very difficult for individuals and organisations in tracking their money or ever claiming it, resulting in the government keeping billions of dollars owed to Australians! One needs to ask Mr Abbot why in the age of NO FREEDOM OF PRIVACY the age of facebook & LinkedIn, and twitter where anyone can be located in less than 60 seconds flat, we have no privacy, so why is Abbott so concerned with the Australian people’s “ privacy”? could it be that restricting that information will result in the his government leally stealing billions of dollars from the Australian public by restricting their capacity to know these funds are theirs an limiting their capacity to claim these funds all under the guise of protecting their interest. What the article didn’t tell you is that Tony Abbott and the liberal party are in no way interest in protecting Australian people’s interests in fact the liberal government cares SO LITTLE they made the decision to disband the Office of Information commissioner in the last budget see link;,
What they are interested in is helping themselves to BILLIONS of dollars belonging to Australian currently being recovered and out of their greedy little hands, they are changing the legislation in order to help themselves to those billions of dollars, by restricting access to ASIC gazette for the general public. Liberals are helping their “friends” the banks in also keeping billions of dollars in lost bank account money by reversing laws allowing banks to in effect “ keep” lost funds in their possession for a period of 7 years before having to report it as lost. Tony Abbot justifies this by claiming to protect Australian’s savings. He simply fails to mention how the banks retaining lost funds and eroding these funds through fees and charges and having use of these funds for almost a decade actually PROTECTS the fund owners interests.
This is THEFT Mr Abbot. If these changes are past through the senate they will be the biggest robbery of the Australian people by its government in the history of all robberies!
Shame Tony Abbott shame...
Shame Tony Abbott shame...
This is just another typical liberal smokescreen. Lets pretend to help the battling aussie and small businesses by taking away their rights and stealing access to lost and misplaced money...
We voted the liberals in because they know how to save and implement economic growth. History shows us that over the last 50 years our economy grew when the libs were in power.
But alas what has become of this party?
I think the brains have all been left at the post and Its been easier to just steal money like a stereotypical gangster. Robbing from everyone thats got something to lose. It sounds like the U.S policy of rape pillage and plunder have rubbed off on Mr Abbott except the Americans are doing it to other nations, not their own people...
We live in a free and democratic society where the individual has rights and the freedom of information is a major contributor to that way of living. By suppressing that right we are going backwards. This is not a communist society yet. If Tony Abott takes the right of the Australian citizen to have access to databases of lost money.. then communism is that one giant step closer..
Stop Tony from stealing our right to have access and to recover lost money...and in the process stop him and the banks stealing our billions of dollars of lost money...
INVESTIGATION NEEDED; Tony Abbot, Information Commission and the big banks' plans to STEAL Billions Of Dollars From the Australian Public and No One Will Be The Wiser;
Prime Minister Tony Abbott, hiding bad intentions
Behind his push for legislation changes surrounding
Unclaimed money information and unclaimed bank accounts.
Content below
LABOR has already accused Tony Abbott of helping the big banks by reversing the Gillard government’s policy of seizing money from bank accounts that go untouched for three years.
The Prime Minister this morning announced the government was reinstituting the Howard government’s seven-year trigger for the seizure of inactive bank accounts, saying Labor’s three-year policy amounted to a “smash and grab raid on people’s savings”.
“About 156,000 accounts worth $550 million a year were being effectively confiscated by the government and then of course the government was making people go through months and months of paper work to get its own money back,” Mr Abbott told Sydney radio station 2SM. What Mr Abbott failed to say is that thee funds are confiscated from the hands of the Banks in order to be reunited with their rightful owners! He simply failed to mention that these millions remain lost in the banking system for years, something the banks dont’t mind at all. The longer the banks can have access to your lost monies and dormant accounts the more they can utilise these funds for borrowings, and te more fees and charges they can get for holding these funds. In other words its a rort and Mr Abbot is in on it with the banks.
However opposition assistant treasury spokesman Andrew Leigh called on Mr Abbott to explain why the change is in the community interest.
“Hundreds of thousands of Australians have money in old bank accounts and lost superannuation. We put these rules in place to stop the value of those accounts being eroded over time by fees,” Dr Leigh said.
“By reverting to the old rules, the government is saying unclaimed monies should be held secretly by banks for long periods being eaten away by fees and charges.
“The government needs to explain how this change is in the community’s interest, and not just the interests of the big banks.”
Legislation will be introduced later this year, but it will require the Senate’s endorsement.
Additionally to the banking rort Mr Abbot has his eyes set on billions more sitting in ASIC’s statutory account awaiting collection by their rightful owners, average Australians, and Australian businesses unaware that they have monies owed to them. How can Mr Abbot implement this kind of snatch and grab, well restrict information that allows Australian to identify that they are owed money in the first place. How can he achieve such a dirty deed while appearing of service to the Australian public? Claim its is for our protection, that he is making changes that will restrict Australians in ever getting back their own money, which amounts to billions BECAUSE he wants to protect our privacy, by restricting public information. Monies that become public revenue if unclaimed for a specified time. Who’s interest are you serving in all this Mr Abbot? NOT THE AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC!
What Mr Abbott doesn’t say is that there are billions in lost and unclaimed money because ASIC no longer contacts individuals directly as a result of budgetary restrictions. ASIC relies very heavily on agents to contact the public for them.
Through the agent’s contact, the vast majority of the public will initiate the claim themselves, whereas a small percentage will choose to use an agent.
Owners of fund who reside overseas will never know of funds owing to them if not for full data being available online on ASIC. By restricting access to the full ASIC unclaimed money lists, this will reduce the amount of people being made aware of the money owing to them and will significantly increase ASIC’s , claim processing costs due to the poor quality of applications being submitted.
The bulk of the ASIC unclaimed money belongs to older Australians, Australians living overseas, professionals and businesses. By restricting any pubic information he knows he will restrict them in claiming back what is rightfully theirs. The end result, billions of dollars in government revenue- revenue they are not ethically entitled to.
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