Todd Vonstein

Country United States
State Bhutan
City Des Moines
Address 509 E 5th East Village

Todd Vonstein Reviews

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  • Sep 2, 2014

Todd Vonstein Todd Von Stein

Went to Metro n Retro at 509 E. 5th Street in Des Moines to find out why I haven't been paid for items that I consigned with him. Lo and behold I find that he is not there any longer. I looked online and found an address at 30th and Ingersoll. I went over there and, of course, he is not there and the space is for rent. I should have believed all the things I've seen on the internet about him. I thought "maybe he's changed" and "it won't happen to me". Boy was I wrong. The people of Des Moines need to run this bum scammer out of town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shame on him and the idiot staff he has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • May 15, 2014

Todd VonStein is back in East Village. His NEW venture is Metro N Retro. Of course it's been his new business for a couple of years. Just a head's up for all Mr. Vonstein's previous business victims and a warning to all the new ones. And lo and behold, he's even doing design planning again along with construction management and historic preservation! Oh, just think of the potential number of people he will be able to rip off, copy, and steal from! And what a copycat he is because he's never had an original thought in his life and steals ideas from everyone he meets. So, don't say you weren't warned. But seriously though, what is up with East Village?? People there must enjoy being ripped off. Take care all!

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