I had first contacted this company about a citation i had received and found it vital to notify anybody else that was about to pay for their services. They seem to not even know what they are doing as a company. When I had called them and asked them what they would argue about my case, they seemed to not even know themselves. Several things I had noticed is that how can a company offer a defense for you when they know nothing about your case?
I was lucky enough to run into someone that had fallen into their trap and they notified me that all they did for them was fill out their form and did not provide a defense that had anything to do with the case. Basically this company just takes the information off the form and sends out the same form for every case. If you really want to pay $89 and have a form filled out that you can do on your own in about 10-15 minutes, feel free to do so.
I decided to do my declaration on my own cause these other advertised ones were just too expensive. Here is an easy list of what i've found out about their company:
Address is at a campus commons? They advertise a "special price" but i have never seen that come off the "special price"
Maybe this means its a student trying to weedle money out of us
They do not work with any attorneys and were unable to supply any contacts even though they clearly stated on the phone "we refer your case to an attorney befitting your case".
Once you fill out the form online you will receive your "defense" in less than an hour because they do not even look into your case.
Other companies charge a document processing fee to cover mailing it out to the court, but why does this company charge a non refundable processing fee when they don't mail anything for you?
I am guessing its cause they just want to make 30$ off scamming people.
Ticket-Fighters.com Reviews
I had first contacted this company about a citation i had received and found it vital to notify anybody else that was about to pay for their services. They seem to not even know what they are doing as a company. When I had called them and asked them what they would argue about my case, they seemed to not even know themselves. Several things I had noticed is that how can a company offer a defense for you when they know nothing about your case?
I was lucky enough to run into someone that had fallen into their trap and they notified me that all they did for them was fill out their form and did not provide a defense that had anything to do with the case. Basically this company just takes the information off the form and sends out the same form for every case. If you really want to pay $89 and have a form filled out that you can do on your own in about 10-15 minutes, feel free to do so.
I decided to do my declaration on my own cause these other advertised ones were just too expensive. Here is an easy list of what i've found out about their company:
Address is at a campus commons? They advertise a "special price" but i have never seen that come off the "special price"
Maybe this means its a student trying to weedle money out of us
They do not work with any attorneys and were unable to supply any contacts even though they clearly stated on the phone "we refer your case to an attorney befitting your case".
Once you fill out the form online you will receive your "defense" in less than an hour because they do not even look into your case.
Other companies charge a document processing fee to cover mailing it out to the court, but why does this company charge a non refundable processing fee when they don't mail anything for you?
I am guessing its cause they just want to make 30$ off scamming people.