Tom Doumani (Thomas Joseph Doumani) is a self-professed financial planner and insurance agent based out of his home at 33 Deer Track in Irvine, California. Doumani's license numbers are (were):
DOUMANI, Thomas Joseph (License# 0534011) Expired on 04/07/2015
DOUMANI Insurance Services, Inc. (License# 0617114) Expired on 05/31/2005
I met Doumani in December 2009 at a social event in Newport Beach. Doumani claimed to be a financial planner to the wealthy (lie) wrote a book on wealth management and preservation (lie), and was a billionaire (lie).
In late 2011, Doumani offered an investment that was to pay 20% interest within 90 days. On 10 November 2011, I invested $30,000 with Doumani with a promise to repay the principal and 20% interest ($6,000) within 90 days. The $30,000 check was made out to 'TD Seperate Property Trust'.
Over the course of the past four years, Doumani has promised to repay numerous times via email, text, and voicemails.
Doumani offered ridiculous excuses for delays every time I called; one example: 'The money could not be wired because hurricanes on the east coast shut down the banks'. At some point, he offered to increase the interest owed to $12,000 vs. the original $6,000 in order to buy my patience. The total owed was now $42,000 ($30,000 in principal and $12,000 in interest).
In December 2014, I Google searched 'Tom Doumani' and found another victim had posted a detailed description of how they were ripped off by Doumani for several hundred-thousand dollars. You can easily pull up that posting by Google searching 'Tom Doumani Arrest Wanted'. The guy who posted it was scammed in a similar way. I contacted the gentleman and found he knew of other victims. Contacting those individuals opened up pandoras box on his decades-long run of scamming people. Doumani has 19 fraud judgments against him at the Orange County, California Courthouse alone. I'm sure none of those victims have been paid as Doumani has mastered the art of hiding the cash he steals. Contact me for additional details.
If you have ever purchased insurance from Doumani and he's still listed as the agent on your policy, contact me immediately. He is no longer licensed. Switching to another agent is easy. It is ILLEGAL for Doumani to collect residuals on ANY policies as he is unlicensed. If you prefer to contact your insurance company directly, I would strongly recommend you do so as soon as possible.
In a seperate incident in February 2012, Doumani sold me a Penn Mutual Life Insurance Policy. He stated in order to purchase the policy, I needed to give him a $3,000 check. The check was made out directly to Doumani. I contacted Penn Mutual's legal department in December 2014, and they said they do not charge fees for their policies and that Doumani scammed me. He later forged a document (which I have the original of) in order to conceal his crime with both Penn Mutual and the California Department of Insurance. As a result, Tom is no longer licensed after selling insurance for more than 30 years.
In addition to ensuring Doumani lost his insurance license, I also worked with the California Department of Business Oversight who conducted an extensive investigation into Doumani's fraudulent business practices. The attached DESIST AND REFRAIN ORDER against Thomas Joseph Doumani, as well as his two companies (Advanced Planning Concepts and Venture Financial Services) details numerous Corporate and Securities Violations. The ORDER is dated April 22, 2015. In addition to losing his insurance license, Doumani can no longer conduct business in California.
Next step:
Doumani is currently under investigation by numerous state and federal agencies, some of which can charge him criminally. If you are a victim, contact me. I have a detailed gameplan for helping take Doumani down. Working together we can finally put an end to Doumani's decades long string of scams and put him where he belongs.
Thomas Joseph Doumani Reviews
Tom Doumani (Thomas Joseph Doumani) is a self-professed financial planner and insurance agent based out of his home at 33 Deer Track in Irvine, California. Doumani's license numbers are (were):
DOUMANI, Thomas Joseph (License# 0534011) Expired on 04/07/2015
DOUMANI Insurance Services, Inc. (License# 0617114) Expired on 05/31/2005
I met Doumani in December 2009 at a social event in Newport Beach. Doumani claimed to be a financial planner to the wealthy (lie) wrote a book on wealth management and preservation (lie), and was a billionaire (lie).
In late 2011, Doumani offered an investment that was to pay 20% interest within 90 days. On 10 November 2011, I invested $30,000 with Doumani with a promise to repay the principal and 20% interest ($6,000) within 90 days. The $30,000 check was made out to 'TD Seperate Property Trust'.
Over the course of the past four years, Doumani has promised to repay numerous times via email, text, and voicemails.
Doumani offered ridiculous excuses for delays every time I called; one example: 'The money could not be wired because hurricanes on the east coast shut down the banks'. At some point, he offered to increase the interest owed to $12,000 vs. the original $6,000 in order to buy my patience. The total owed was now $42,000 ($30,000 in principal and $12,000 in interest).
In December 2014, I Google searched 'Tom Doumani' and found another victim had posted a detailed description of how they were ripped off by Doumani for several hundred-thousand dollars. You can easily pull up that posting by Google searching 'Tom Doumani Arrest Wanted'. The guy who posted it was scammed in a similar way. I contacted the gentleman and found he knew of other victims. Contacting those individuals opened up pandoras box on his decades-long run of scamming people. Doumani has 19 fraud judgments against him at the Orange County, California Courthouse alone. I'm sure none of those victims have been paid as Doumani has mastered the art of hiding the cash he steals. Contact me for additional details.
If you have ever purchased insurance from Doumani and he's still listed as the agent on your policy, contact me immediately. He is no longer licensed. Switching to another agent is easy. It is ILLEGAL for Doumani to collect residuals on ANY policies as he is unlicensed. If you prefer to contact your insurance company directly, I would strongly recommend you do so as soon as possible.
In a seperate incident in February 2012, Doumani sold me a Penn Mutual Life Insurance Policy. He stated in order to purchase the policy, I needed to give him a $3,000 check. The check was made out directly to Doumani. I contacted Penn Mutual's legal department in December 2014, and they said they do not charge fees for their policies and that Doumani scammed me. He later forged a document (which I have the original of) in order to conceal his crime with both Penn Mutual and the California Department of Insurance. As a result, Tom is no longer licensed after selling insurance for more than 30 years.
In addition to ensuring Doumani lost his insurance license, I also worked with the California Department of Business Oversight who conducted an extensive investigation into Doumani's fraudulent business practices. The attached DESIST AND REFRAIN ORDER against Thomas Joseph Doumani, as well as his two companies (Advanced Planning Concepts and Venture Financial Services) details numerous Corporate and Securities Violations. The ORDER is dated April 22, 2015. In addition to losing his insurance license, Doumani can no longer conduct business in California.
Next step:
Doumani is currently under investigation by numerous state and federal agencies, some of which can charge him criminally. If you are a victim, contact me. I have a detailed gameplan for helping take Doumani down. Working together we can finally put an end to Doumani's decades long string of scams and put him where he belongs.