I was looking for a job, and responded to this ad on craigslist. They sent me a job application and said they were hiring me as a postal package forwarder. They sent me a contract tha I signed and they signed, so I thought we had a deal. They told me to put the label on the package and take it down to the post office and mail it. They were mailing me packages usps and fed ex. When I received the packages I supposed to remove the paperwork and scan and send it to them. they would then send me a postal label pre paid usuallly paypal. I would reseal and then put the label on the package and take it to the usps and mail it. This is a crime that I was not aware of. You cannot be a package forwarder without being licensed, bonded, and insured.
I continued to do this for almost one month, when I asked them to pay me they gave me a hard time so I started to research the job. I found out the job is a scam. At the end I had 9 packages that were not mailed yet, so I called the US mail postal investigator, becasue I thought maybe I'm going to jail. She assured me thatI had no jail time due but I needed to contact each and everyone of the people I received the packages from and arrange the return of all of the product, which I did. Also i mailed 2 packages Fed Ex with their labels and Fed Ex sent me a bill for both of them, saying that they were missing account numbers. This so called job has turned into a nightmare, I hope no one else has to experience.
The Tunnel of Sales LTD Reviews
I was looking for a job, and responded to this ad on craigslist. They sent me a job application and said they were hiring me as a postal package forwarder. They sent me a contract tha I signed and they signed, so I thought we had a deal. They told me to put the label on the package and take it down to the post office and mail it. They were mailing me packages usps and fed ex. When I received the packages I supposed to remove the paperwork and scan and send it to them. they would then send me a postal label pre paid usuallly paypal. I would reseal and then put the label on the package and take it to the usps and mail it. This is a crime that I was not aware of. You cannot be a package forwarder without being licensed, bonded, and insured.
I continued to do this for almost one month, when I asked them to pay me they gave me a hard time so I started to research the job. I found out the job is a scam. At the end I had 9 packages that were not mailed yet, so I called the US mail postal investigator, becasue I thought maybe I'm going to jail. She assured me thatI had no jail time due but I needed to contact each and everyone of the people I received the packages from and arrange the return of all of the product, which I did. Also i mailed 2 packages Fed Ex with their labels and Fed Ex sent me a bill for both of them, saying that they were missing account numbers. This so called job has turned into a nightmare, I hope no one else has to experience.