I was an independent contractor for the Legend People group and was tasked to sell their services. The owner, Kim Bonniksen, refuses to pay me my earned commissions. This behavior is common for her as I've heard other "independent contractors" complain of the same thing.
She has put together a B2B pyramid scheme and no one should do business with her or her "think tank" of consultants. She is also guilty of tax fraud by misclassifying us as independent contractors. The business is comprised of unethical behavior and horrible work product.
Every project that I've been involved with has crumbled with her "clients" picking up the peices. She has blatently copied the Tony Robins' Busines Break Throughs International business model and stolen contacts from BBI and many other businesses. She believes in charging clients, not paying "independent contractors" and shutting down when things go south.Her scheme to start a business with potential prospects involves her partnering with you 50/50 to build a business. When she does, she charges you for all of her "consulting" and bills any clients you generate through her dummy corporation The Legend People. She ends up with the profits and you end up with the bill.
Good Luck Doctor Bonniksen, take a business ethics class or two!
The Legend People Reviews
I was an independent contractor for the Legend People group and was tasked to sell their services. The owner, Kim Bonniksen, refuses to pay me my earned commissions. This behavior is common for her as I've heard other "independent contractors" complain of the same thing.
She has put together a B2B pyramid scheme and no one should do business with her or her "think tank" of consultants. She is also guilty of tax fraud by misclassifying us as independent contractors. The business is comprised of unethical behavior and horrible work product.
Every project that I've been involved with has crumbled with her "clients" picking up the peices. She has blatently copied the Tony Robins' Busines Break Throughs International business model and stolen contacts from BBI and many other businesses. She believes in charging clients, not paying "independent contractors" and shutting down when things go south.Her scheme to start a business with potential prospects involves her partnering with you 50/50 to build a business. When she does, she charges you for all of her "consulting" and bills any clients you generate through her dummy corporation The Legend People. She ends up with the profits and you end up with the bill.
Good Luck Doctor Bonniksen, take a business ethics class or two!