My Coke Rewards=$CAM; For the past two days i wanted to enter 'MyCokeRewards' points, BUT EVERYTIME I HIT THE "Join/LogIn" button, NOTHING WOULD COME UP EXCEPT A BLANK , EMPTY BOX! After the 1st time it happened, i sent them a comment about how di$gu$ted i was & that i was going to contact a lawyer. The following day, i tried contacting a "live" person at their 800-GET COKE toll free number; it was IMPOSSABLE TO EVEN SPEAK TO A LIVE CUSTOMER REPRESENTIVE! (After you dial, they tell u to hit '1' for MCR) But it was ONLY A MENU WITH SELECTIONS; I WANTED TO SPEAK TO A LIVE PERSON. And this is NOT the only problem i have had with MCR; last year, i was UNABLE TO EVEN LOG INTO MY COKE REWARDS account, simply because Coke didn't like my passord! How do i know this? Because i noticed that after having changed my password to a 'nice' password, i was able to log in! AND I LET THEM KNOW! (thru email) Apparently, 'BIG BROTHER COKE' dosn't want you using VULGAR PASS WORDS! Of course, i always CHANGED MY PASSWORD BACK TO MY ORIGINAL PASSWORD; most of the time i was able to log in.
WHAT KIND OF WORLD WIDE COMPANY ACTS LIKE THIS???!!! BTW, i forgot to mention that when i did try to 'log in' to MCR for the past 2 days, i was always EARLY MORNING; as in 1 OR 2 AM, EASTERN STANDARD TIME. I read their rules; NO WHERE DID IT SAY THE SITE 'CLOSED' AT CERTAIN HOURS! Another rule i noted was that "each member must save their official code for at least 90 days"! WHO THE H*** HAS THE SPACE OR ORGANIZING TALENTS TO DO THAT CRAP??? I've been throwing them away after i enter my codes! Which means, IF I WERE TO WIN A CRUISE OR TRIP OR ANYTHING EXPENSIVE, I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO CLAIM IT, SIMPLY BECAUSE I HAD THROWN MY 'OFFICIAL ENTRY CODE' AWAY! I AM TOTALLY DI$GUSTED WITH MCR & COCA-COLA AT THIS SCAM OF A "PROMOTION". Apparently, all they want is for consumers to keep buying their products.
The Coca-Cola Company Reviews
My Coke Rewards=$CAM; For the past two days i wanted to enter 'MyCokeRewards' points, BUT EVERYTIME I HIT THE "Join/LogIn" button, NOTHING WOULD COME UP EXCEPT A BLANK , EMPTY BOX! After the 1st time it happened, i sent them a comment about how di$gu$ted i was & that i was going to contact a lawyer. The following day, i tried contacting a "live" person at their 800-GET COKE toll free number; it was IMPOSSABLE TO EVEN SPEAK TO A LIVE CUSTOMER REPRESENTIVE! (After you dial, they tell u to hit '1' for MCR) But it was ONLY A MENU WITH SELECTIONS; I WANTED TO SPEAK TO A LIVE PERSON. And this is NOT the only problem i have had with MCR; last year, i was UNABLE TO EVEN LOG INTO MY COKE REWARDS account, simply because Coke didn't like my passord! How do i know this? Because i noticed that after having changed my password to a 'nice' password, i was able to log in! AND I LET THEM KNOW! (thru email) Apparently, 'BIG BROTHER COKE' dosn't want you using VULGAR PASS WORDS! Of course, i always CHANGED MY PASSWORD BACK TO MY ORIGINAL PASSWORD; most of the time i was able to log in.
WHAT KIND OF WORLD WIDE COMPANY ACTS LIKE THIS???!!! BTW, i forgot to mention that when i did try to 'log in' to MCR for the past 2 days, i was always EARLY MORNING; as in 1 OR 2 AM, EASTERN STANDARD TIME. I read their rules; NO WHERE DID IT SAY THE SITE 'CLOSED' AT CERTAIN HOURS! Another rule i noted was that "each member must save their official code for at least 90 days"! WHO THE H*** HAS THE SPACE OR ORGANIZING TALENTS TO DO THAT CRAP??? I've been throwing them away after i enter my codes! Which means, IF I WERE TO WIN A CRUISE OR TRIP OR ANYTHING EXPENSIVE, I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO CLAIM IT, SIMPLY BECAUSE I HAD THROWN MY 'OFFICIAL ENTRY CODE' AWAY! I AM TOTALLY DI$GUSTED WITH MCR & COCA-COLA AT THIS SCAM OF A "PROMOTION". Apparently, all they want is for consumers to keep buying their products.