Do not trust anything on craigslist or other ads that use the above email addresses or phone numbers. They will say they work at a pharmacy & get you meds you need. They are fake, fraud people out there just to scam everyone. Also do not trust this number 6108807749. Thye most likely will change numbers, do not trust anything out there with moneygram or western union. They will just keep your mney then ask for more to send you what you needed. They will get caught eventually, they all do. Karma always catches up to those who scam. Just beware of these scammers.
Terry Rodriquez Reviews
Do not trust anything on craigslist or other ads that use the above email addresses or phone numbers. They will say they work at a pharmacy & get you meds you need. They are fake, fraud people out there just to scam everyone. Also do not trust this number 6108807749. Thye most likely will change numbers, do not trust anything out there with moneygram or western union. They will just keep your mney then ask for more to send you what you needed. They will get caught eventually, they all do. Karma always catches up to those who scam. Just beware of these scammers.