Terry Hale Real Estate Training

Country United States
State Aruba
City Los Angeles
Address 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite #102
Phone (323) 844-0787
Website real-estateseminars.com/

Terry Hale Real Estate Training Reviews

Most Useful Comment
  • Oct 23, 2021

WARNING__Hang on tight to your wallet and run the other way

Somehow got on this guy's mailing list and watched some of his videos, got interested cuz it sounded good. Called him up to see about training with him. Right up front he wanted $25k (yes, twenty five thousand bucks) just to start! I've seen enough of these gurus who claim to have all the secrets to wealth, but they're usually the only ones getting wealthy selling books, cd's courses so when he hit me with that I was out. His other tactic is pressure--you gotta do it today or you're out...Another warning light flashing.

He hates to be called a guru, and says he's not selling books or training, but he is and does. His gig is "I want to partner with you on deals" but really, if his system worked so well he would be able to make all the money he'd ever want by doing it himself. The bucks are in the "students". He sends out 2 or 3 emails to his list (incl me) every week to suck you in.

Just think, if he finds just 4 suckers, er--students every month to give him $25k, that's $100,000 a month!

He's moved around some too, Vegas, LA, etc so who knows what he's staying ahead of...

FTC and DOJ, are you listening??

Mark as Useful [2 votes]
Most Useful Comment
  • Nov 10, 2014

Terry Hale is one of the greediest mentors out there, beware! Im writing this as he is currently threatening suing me ... his student! he provides good info on how to search loopnet for desperate sellers , and try to get them to finance the deal with very little down... but not worth $15-30,000 plus on top of that he will want 40-50% of your deal when he's putting in no money what so ever.. ! He claims his knowledge is worth the 40-50% of the deal on top of the 15-30k Greedy!

Heres some red flags, after spending 2-3 days with him in a conference room at a hotel, he will ask that you spend 5,15,or 30k for mentoring... the 5k level gets you his cd's where he talks about everything he just talked about for the previous 2-3 days... He will upsell you to the 15k level where u get 6-8 conference calls with him, and access to his email so you can submit deals... for 30k you get his phone number... Red flag #1 ...Mentors should be free... If you are scared about investing in Commercial Real Estate call a commercial real estate agent... free

Red Flag #2.... UPselling people to the 15k level... 5k is enough but squeezing more money out of me was a big red flag...HE even made me sign a contract that it would be $7500 down and $7500 after we closed our first deal.. I never closed a deal with him .. due to him wanting 40% I actually let another investor know about it, and now he's threatening to sue over the balance of $7500! beware of this greed!

Red Flag #3 We were set to close on a deal I found, I negotiated from 185k to 130k with 20% down.. he yelled at me and made me feel like an idiot for doing so.. he preaches find motivated sellers and put very little down... this just isn't a reality.. the deal i found was 1 in 10,000... finding a deal like this with no money down is truly 1 in 100,000... and terry hale preys on this... he will try to upsell you to his top level at 30k to help guide you more... he claims... big red flag. squeezing even more from his students..

Red Flag #4 Going into the 15k level he never mentions he is putting in no cash whatsoever , in my thoughts he would be going in 50/50... we even had another deal on a group of triplexes and duplexes in NY; where he said how do you want to structure this 50/50 i said sure,, and again we were putting in 30k , he said when can u put in the 30k? confused i asked u mean 15k.. he said nope I don't put in anything.. my 50% is for my knowledge..! I own lots of single family homes and manage them myself,,, how could managing a few triplexes be worth 50% of the profits when he is putting in 0!

Red flag #5 I would submit deals to him via email.. .since i didn't have his phone # at the 30k level and he would dismiss them saying they weren't good deals.. I would find out later and LLC had closed on it with very similar terms that i had negotiated.. hmmmm pretty sketchy

red flag #6 he made me sign a contract I would pay him 40% of self storage deal.. I was out of town and had a buddy sign for me.. after discussing it with a commercial real estate agent, he said no way .. don't do the deal.. giving away 40% is nuts... which it was.. i had another investor buy it who took me under his wing and showed me how to run a self storage facility free of charge.. this is what a real mentor does.. if you must have a mentor,,, attend your local real estate club and find someone.. free! a year later, i got an email from terry hales attorney requesting 144k on a deal a never bought because he said it was now worth 500k.. he was demanding the 144k within 15 days!,,what mentor does this? several red flags here A) who has 144k laying around b) i didn't own the deal c) I didn't sign the contract my buddy signed for me c) the property hadn't sold d) i never went into the deal with greedy terry due to him wanting 40% on top of the 15k on top of him not putting any skin in the game.. my contract with him which i never even signed said IF u start an LLC with Terry Hale he gets 40% .. never happened.. Terry wanted us to pay an attorney $2000 to do this,, i found out later that attorney charges half of that, just another way terry hale is scraping money off his students.. Terry was to pay $100 towards the deal.. This never happened.. and several other details of the contract which never happened..

Red Flag #7

I asked to meet Terry In Person for lunch.. his response NO.. we don't need to do that, Meet me for golf.. no... Fly to Florida with me to check out the project.. no , there aren't any direct flights, and I don't have time...

Red flag #8 Terry claims no money down, no credit, no cross collateral .. heres the truth...sellers all want something in it.. no ones going to just give away there deal. If terry does bring in other peoples money they want 30-40% terry wants 40-50% and your left with 10-20% on a deal u found, negotiated and put together! this happened to another one of his students I know! Steer Clear of this Greedy Guy u can do it without him..

Mark as Useful [2 votes]
  • Mar 2, 2017

Glad I found this review

Was considering going to his 3-Day LA Training Event. Real glad I saw these details, first. I had my doubts about his approach when I kept finding unfinished websites everywhere with his name on them ... WARNING! He closed out in Vegas recently and moved to LA ... He's running from something or someone(s). Not going to be me. Over and out !!!

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