The student at TCI were promised that when we are ready to take certification test, it will be automatically paid for and we could take them anytime we are ready, but now we are being told that there is no funding, but some students on Va benefits were told their benefits were sent to the school and that they were clear to take test whenever they needed, but the Ceo of the school keeps saying their is no funding and we have been on hold for over a month or two, while we wait. and our tests pile up one after another, we need this school to be investigated because we all are paying an average of 30,000 dollars or more for this education.
The students at the school are currently not getting what was promised in the schools statement such as guaranteed certifications, tutoring and mentorship, certification tests that were includinng with the tuition. If the students were supposed to get money from the government such as loans and or grants they were not given as promised. There has been constant "run arounds" when the students question the director about the issues or he doesn't show up. Several faculty members has been laid off or fired because the school has no money to pay them and many have not received their last checks. Students has been slowly withdrawing from the school because of these issues. The school has recently receved a notice from Georgia Power threatening to disconnect their services. Some of the equipment needed isnt always available for the students use.
Technology Center Inc Reviews
The student at TCI were promised that when we are ready to take certification test, it will be automatically paid for and we could take them anytime we are ready, but now we are being told that there is no funding, but some students on Va benefits were told their benefits were sent to the school and that they were clear to take test whenever they needed, but the Ceo of the school keeps saying their is no funding and we have been on hold for over a month or two, while we wait. and our tests pile up one after another, we need this school to be investigated because we all are paying an average of 30,000 dollars or more for this education.
The students at the school are currently not getting what was promised in the schools statement such as guaranteed certifications, tutoring and mentorship, certification tests that were includinng with the tuition. If the students were supposed to get money from the government such as loans and or grants they were not given as promised. There has been constant "run arounds" when the students question the director about the issues or he doesn't show up. Several faculty members has been laid off or fired because the school has no money to pay them and many have not received their last checks. Students has been slowly withdrawing from the school because of these issues. The school has recently receved a notice from Georgia Power threatening to disconnect their services. Some of the equipment needed isnt always available for the students use.