Tammy Lam contacted me on Craigslist about selling football tickets. She claimed I was protected by the buyers agreement and she would ship the tickets via FedEx and send a tracking number upon payment. I sent payment via square cash and did not receive a tracking number. After seeing these other reports and threatening to flie a fraud claim she said she would send the tracking info and I would be getting my tickets. She acted appaed to hear about these reports however I've seen she has commented on them. Do not buy from her! You will not get your tickets or your money back!
Tammy Lam Reviews
Tammy Lam contacted me on Craigslist about selling football tickets. She claimed I was protected by the buyers agreement and she would ship the tickets via FedEx and send a tracking number upon payment. I sent payment via square cash and did not receive a tracking number. After seeing these other reports and threatening to flie a fraud claim she said she would send the tracking info and I would be getting my tickets. She acted appaed to hear about these reports however I've seen she has commented on them. Do not buy from her! You will not get your tickets or your money back!