I was searching the internet for part-time work on the weekends.I went on my internet job board to look at some positions.I saw that Tallgras Talent Group were looking for Food Demonstrators for cetain events. I went to the website to apply for the job. On September 10.2013 A representative name Shala call me to tell me that she was looking at my profile and application, and she could see that it was not finished. I told her that I would go home and finish the application. She said don't forget to unpload a photo, I asked her why she said that they had to make sure that the person in the photo was the same person they were haring. I fill out all of the paper and everything seem. fine. Until I got an e-mail from them telling me about an upcoming event and to login , and accept the event. I called one of my primary contact toinform her that i had accepted the event. She said that she couldn't see where i had did it. I told Mrs. Sissy Hauptman about the issue.
Every time I callher to discuss the issue she always made up an excuse, and want me to call her back. It was this back and fort theing up until Friday,October4,2013.On that day she gave me the number to the help desk.
I called on Monday and talked to a guy name Christ,he tried to use the information that gave him to log me in to their web site, and still didn't work. He said he would call me back but he didn't.
I call back again and talk to Amy, she toook down my information again.I tried to call Mrs Sissy to let her know that I was still having problems login tothe website. But everytime i call the phone ring three and then you hear abuzingsound and the hangs up.
I am concern because these people have all of my personal information and don't want them to use illegal.
Tallgrass Talent Group Reviews
I was searching the internet for part-time work on the weekends.I went on my internet job board to look at some positions.I saw that Tallgras Talent Group were looking for Food Demonstrators for cetain events. I went to the website to apply for the job. On September 10.2013 A representative name Shala call me to tell me that she was looking at my profile and application, and she could see that it was not finished. I told her that I would go home and finish the application. She said don't forget to unpload a photo, I asked her why she said that they had to make sure that the person in the photo was the same person they were haring. I fill out all of the paper and everything seem. fine. Until I got an e-mail from them telling me about an upcoming event and to login , and accept the event. I called one of my primary contact toinform her that i had accepted the event. She said that she couldn't see where i had did it. I told Mrs. Sissy Hauptman about the issue.
Every time I callher to discuss the issue she always made up an excuse, and want me to call her back. It was this back and fort theing up until Friday,October4,2013.On that day she gave me the number to the help desk.
I called on Monday and talked to a guy name Christ,he tried to use the information that gave him to log me in to their web site, and still didn't work. He said he would call me back but he didn't.
I call back again and talk to Amy, she toook down my information again.I tried to call Mrs Sissy to let her know that I was still having problems login tothe website. But everytime i call the phone ring three and then you hear abuzingsound and the hangs up.
I am concern because these people have all of my personal information and don't want them to use illegal.