The original posted by Micheal Stephan Prime, a known felon.
He posed as a machinist on craigslist. I needed a machinist to create proprietary parts for a new type of device I was creating that was still undergoing the Patent Process so I had to disguise it as such. However, Michael Prime twisted the entire collaboration to suit his lies. Luckily I didn't give him any money up front. He was hoping to scam me but it didn't work in his favor so he is posting all these lies and twisted truths to fit his felonious perspective.
See the police records above. He is a known felon with 13 years spent in the State Prison.
I regret having ever met this person, having to post this to cover myself is also regretful but needed so people know the truth.
The original posted by Micheal Stephan Prime, a known felon.
He posed as a machinist on craigslist. I needed a machinist to create proprietary parts for a new type of device I was creating that was still undergoing the Patent Process so I had to disguise it as such. However, Michael Prime twisted the entire collaboration to suit his lies. Luckily I didn't give him any money up front. He was hoping to scam me but it didn't work in his favor so he is posting all these lies and twisted truths to fit his felonious perspective.
See the police records above. He is a known felon with 13 years spent in the State Prison.
I regret having ever met this person, having to post this to cover myself is also regretful but needed so people know the truth.
Asked me to design a dozen different guitar picks with a cone shape "but not call it a cone because that is already pattented" for him. Telling me that it is patent pending. By the second or 3rd email he called them "12 pawns for a chess set" and that he wanted me to make each one slightly different. That was lie number one, but the second display of dishonesty. The first display being him stating his intent to circumvent someone elses patented design. I assumed the best and gave him the benafit of the doubt. Incorrectly thinking that he wished to avoid infringing on someone's pattented guitar picks. However I did ask "Why would you need 12 chess pawns when each side has 8?" He started with guitar picks, but changed to chess pawns and continued his dishonest cover story by replying "Oh, I want 12 because I need 4 spares incase there are any mistakes. That was a lie, and he did not confess these were guitar picks until I met him in person.
In discussing my compensation for designing his "12 chess pawns" (later confessed as guitar picks to support his "Ultra Speed Pic" patent pending application.) I informed him that detailed work in a machine shop that requires accurate measurements will cost $50 per hour. He claimed poverty and wanted to pay much less. So I said that if there is no measurement involved, and purely freestyle then I can make 12 small parts on a lathe for $60. He agreed that "freestyle on a lathe" was perfect. But wanted to pay only $50, and he would provide some plastic to be cut up.
So I agreed.
When meeting him, he confessed that he had lied about chess pawns, and that the project is actually about guitar picks. But he had lied only to protect his idea from being stolen. Further telling me a story about his last business partner who had already stolen his guitar pick idea for the "Ultra Speed Pic" (United States Patent Application 61990145) and this other terrible person has already made Millions of dollars from his idea. I cannot confirm this large claim but in hindsite I can see after everything that it was another lie.
While going over "his" idea for a guitar pick and talking about design ideas, he claimed that he needed to avoid any textures on the grip, groves on the grip, or the word "cone" for the head of the pick because those were all patented and he needed to avoid using those words. The basic shape was identical to the other guy who "stole his idea and patented it". and required milling of the grip to cut cylinder plastic into a flat grip surface. This means more work than "freestyle on a lathe".
He claimed it would take no more than 15 minutes per part. That is 3 hours in a machine shop, for $60. (he wanted to pay $50) But he offered to include me in his indigogo lanch for a percentage of the sales. He avoided putting anything in writing about the percentage, and used promises of future payments from sales percentage and future machine shop production of these guitar picks as bait for me to accept this low paying job. Telling me it would be easy. Claiming that he was a machinist for Boeing for 15 years but lacks the tools himself to machine the parts himself.
Being a nice guy, and beliving the best in people. I incorrectly thought he was an honest straight forward man of his word that wasnt ripping off this past partner of his, and that the lie about chess peices was just his insecurity about "his idea" being stolen. I didn't realize at the time that his "patent pending" was fishy when he lacked an actual design and was asking me to design 12 different guitar picks. Maybe the chess pawn ploy was simply to keep me from knowing they were guitar picks? However if it was pattent pending then that wasn't necessary? Regardless of his strange nature, I agreed to help him out for $60 to freestyle on a lathe 12 cone shaped guitar picks with milled flat grips, of my own design. Thinking it would be as quick as he claimed.
I began the work and he asked for a photo. No problem, I sent him one.
His personality changed. He became rude, gently insulting my design while "LOL"ing after his insult. (I mention his "LOL"ing because that is how you can tell it is him typing when he goes online retending to be other people supporting himself with witness statements in other issues.) He said my design was terrible, asked me to do it over, removing the grip texture that he agreed I should try. After seeing the grip texture he said that was too close to the other persons patent.
So I redid the work, and send more pictures. He complained again, insulting the quality of my work, telling me stories about how much of an amazing machinist he was and how his work was always perfect. LOLing at how terrible my cuts are.
So I redid the work again. Sent more pictures, and he complained that it was 1/4 inch too short, then again a 1/4 inch too long. I reminded him that he agreed in email that there were lose tolerances. He argued that lose tolerances when HE was a machinist were .003 to .005 Not 1/4th of an inch! Insult insult, condecending ego garbage, bla bla bla.
So I reminded him that the agreement was "freestyle on a lathe" of my own design, and spesifically NOT accurate to any tolerances because if I had to measure anything, then that would be machinist quality labor, and machinist quality work starts at $50 an hour. Not $50 for 3 hours work that has now turned into 3 days of work due to his constant micro managing, asking for pictures of each and every step, and waiting for confirmation of a new shape I had cut to be approved by text message after sending photos. He also asked me to film and edit a video of the process of making the guitar picks to show people on indigogo. I told him that I would charge $50 for that and he was rude, condecending, and LOLing me for that. I explained that I can not work for free or for promises of future pay. Worse for promises of future pay on future labor that in itself would have been pay for the future work, not for the current work and video he was offering me a rain check payment on in the form of additional future pay from a percentage he would never specify.
After being insulted, spoken down on as if I was a slave, and realizing that this Sxean asshole is a terrible idiot who lies and manipulates. I decided that $50 was not worth dealing with this lying sack of shit. He was attempting to manipulate me into doing 3 days of machinist labor for a total of $50 when I told him in the begining that I charge $50 an hour for machinist labor. the $50 total price was for freestyle on a lathe. Work with Sxean however turned into milling, .01 tolerances, photos, constant photos, requests for video, and forever holding his hand and listening to how amazing his machine shop skills are and how terrible my work is.
So I politely told him that I quit. I have no interest in continuing with his project. And diplomatically explained that my terms were stated in email about the prices for freestyle and the price for machinist quality accuracy of cut. And I politely suggested that he find a machine shop that would allow him to use equipment to cut his own guitar picks. And the most rude thing I said was "with your skill level, it should only take you a few hours". Making a dig on the fact that this has now gone for 3 days, and how much he claims to be an expert.
His first response was what I expected. Underhanded insults covered in overly worded $5 vocabulary. Asking me "I thought you had this under control? What happened?" I had clearly explained what happened. I quit. I quit because he isnt paying me enough for the bullshit he is asking me to do as explained above. The difference between Freestyle, and demanding that I redo everything with .01 tolerances etc. I did tell him he would be better off doing the design and machining himself.
So I ignored him. And he called at least 20 times, leaving 20 voice mail messages of dead scilence. Most were the 3 minute maximum in lenght. Visible on my iphone.
Then he emailed me, threatening to call the police. Claiming that I stole his personal property. Threatening to throw my past record in my face and that nobody would believe me. Calling me a criminal, theif, hacker, claiming that the FBI, CIA, and State were investigating me for fraud, theft, forgery, bla bla bla, and everyone would believe him and not me. I insulted him like an African American from Compton. ha ha. (Which I am not African, American, nor from Compton.) He even claimed I was in jail for 4 months. (Actually it was 10 years, but whose counting?) My past is over 13 years old, and I have been clean and clear for 13 years. Thank you. He made reform insult jokes. And threatened many things, including physical assault by mixed martial arts. I am armed and not afraid. I told him off, with colorful language. Telling him that anything that ~I~ made in my machine shop is not his personal property. He did not pay me for what I made. And I would not want to do business with him anymore. He screamed and screamed, calling me a theif, claiming that the part I had made belonged to him. Telling me that I would never get a job or work ever again after he was done with me. Telling me that bad things will happen and I had 2 choices. Give him "his property", or suffer terrible dire consiquences that would last a lifetime bla bla bla, big bad blackmail threats.
He filed a ripoffreport on me. Even posting trash about another person who pissed off software pirates with an anti piracy system in secondlife, who was then accused of everything under the sun, by people just like Sxean who were criminals themselves accusing the person that stopped them (Creator of RedZone). Just as Sxean is accusing me of stealing, while demanding I give him what ~I~ made "or else..." bla bla bla.
No thanks Sxean. I do not fear you. Your big words will not convince me to square off with you in an unarmed fight. I will be armed if I see you again. No matter what you say, I do not care if you think you know Kung -fu bullshit. That is just more reason for me NOT to meet you, and instead defend myself with lethal forced as an armed civilian standing his ground.
For the third time, reread my email if you are confused about anything or have anything to say. I have made it very clear why I quit, and that my work is not for free, nor is my work for sale to you. Why? Because you insult me. So go f*** yourself.
Sxean Lee-David Reviews
The original posted by Micheal Stephan Prime, a known felon.
He posed as a machinist on craigslist. I needed a machinist to create proprietary parts for a new type of device I was creating that was still undergoing the Patent Process so I had to disguise it as such. However, Michael Prime twisted the entire collaboration to suit his lies. Luckily I didn't give him any money up front. He was hoping to scam me but it didn't work in his favor so he is posting all these lies and twisted truths to fit his felonious perspective.
See the police records above. He is a known felon with 13 years spent in the State Prison.
I regret having ever met this person, having to post this to cover myself is also regretful but needed so people know the truth.
Stay away from Michael Stephan Prime.
The original posted by Micheal Stephan Prime, a known felon.
He posed as a machinist on craigslist. I needed a machinist to create proprietary parts for a new type of device I was creating that was still undergoing the Patent Process so I had to disguise it as such. However, Michael Prime twisted the entire collaboration to suit his lies. Luckily I didn't give him any money up front. He was hoping to scam me but it didn't work in his favor so he is posting all these lies and twisted truths to fit his felonious perspective.
See the police records above. He is a known felon with 13 years spent in the State Prison.
I regret having ever met this person, having to post this to cover myself is also regretful but needed so people know the truth.
Stay away from Michael Stephan Prime.
Sxean Lee-David found me online.
Asked me to design a dozen different guitar picks with a cone shape "but not call it a cone because that is already pattented" for him. Telling me that it is patent pending. By the second or 3rd email he called them "12 pawns for a chess set" and that he wanted me to make each one slightly different. That was lie number one, but the second display of dishonesty. The first display being him stating his intent to circumvent someone elses patented design. I assumed the best and gave him the benafit of the doubt. Incorrectly thinking that he wished to avoid infringing on someone's pattented guitar picks. However I did ask "Why would you need 12 chess pawns when each side has 8?" He started with guitar picks, but changed to chess pawns and continued his dishonest cover story by replying "Oh, I want 12 because I need 4 spares incase there are any mistakes. That was a lie, and he did not confess these were guitar picks until I met him in person.
In discussing my compensation for designing his "12 chess pawns" (later confessed as guitar picks to support his "Ultra Speed Pic" patent pending application.) I informed him that detailed work in a machine shop that requires accurate measurements will cost $50 per hour. He claimed poverty and wanted to pay much less. So I said that if there is no measurement involved, and purely freestyle then I can make 12 small parts on a lathe for $60. He agreed that "freestyle on a lathe" was perfect. But wanted to pay only $50, and he would provide some plastic to be cut up.
So I agreed.
When meeting him, he confessed that he had lied about chess pawns, and that the project is actually about guitar picks. But he had lied only to protect his idea from being stolen. Further telling me a story about his last business partner who had already stolen his guitar pick idea for the "Ultra Speed Pic" (United States Patent Application 61990145) and this other terrible person has already made Millions of dollars from his idea. I cannot confirm this large claim but in hindsite I can see after everything that it was another lie.
While going over "his" idea for a guitar pick and talking about design ideas, he claimed that he needed to avoid any textures on the grip, groves on the grip, or the word "cone" for the head of the pick because those were all patented and he needed to avoid using those words. The basic shape was identical to the other guy who "stole his idea and patented it". and required milling of the grip to cut cylinder plastic into a flat grip surface. This means more work than "freestyle on a lathe".
He claimed it would take no more than 15 minutes per part. That is 3 hours in a machine shop, for $60. (he wanted to pay $50) But he offered to include me in his indigogo lanch for a percentage of the sales. He avoided putting anything in writing about the percentage, and used promises of future payments from sales percentage and future machine shop production of these guitar picks as bait for me to accept this low paying job. Telling me it would be easy. Claiming that he was a machinist for Boeing for 15 years but lacks the tools himself to machine the parts himself.
Being a nice guy, and beliving the best in people. I incorrectly thought he was an honest straight forward man of his word that wasnt ripping off this past partner of his, and that the lie about chess peices was just his insecurity about "his idea" being stolen. I didn't realize at the time that his "patent pending" was fishy when he lacked an actual design and was asking me to design 12 different guitar picks. Maybe the chess pawn ploy was simply to keep me from knowing they were guitar picks? However if it was pattent pending then that wasn't necessary? Regardless of his strange nature, I agreed to help him out for $60 to freestyle on a lathe 12 cone shaped guitar picks with milled flat grips, of my own design. Thinking it would be as quick as he claimed.
I began the work and he asked for a photo. No problem, I sent him one.
His personality changed. He became rude, gently insulting my design while "LOL"ing after his insult. (I mention his "LOL"ing because that is how you can tell it is him typing when he goes online retending to be other people supporting himself with witness statements in other issues.) He said my design was terrible, asked me to do it over, removing the grip texture that he agreed I should try. After seeing the grip texture he said that was too close to the other persons patent.
So I redid the work, and send more pictures. He complained again, insulting the quality of my work, telling me stories about how much of an amazing machinist he was and how his work was always perfect. LOLing at how terrible my cuts are.
So I redid the work again. Sent more pictures, and he complained that it was 1/4 inch too short, then again a 1/4 inch too long. I reminded him that he agreed in email that there were lose tolerances. He argued that lose tolerances when HE was a machinist were .003 to .005 Not 1/4th of an inch! Insult insult, condecending ego garbage, bla bla bla.
So I reminded him that the agreement was "freestyle on a lathe" of my own design, and spesifically NOT accurate to any tolerances because if I had to measure anything, then that would be machinist quality labor, and machinist quality work starts at $50 an hour. Not $50 for 3 hours work that has now turned into 3 days of work due to his constant micro managing, asking for pictures of each and every step, and waiting for confirmation of a new shape I had cut to be approved by text message after sending photos. He also asked me to film and edit a video of the process of making the guitar picks to show people on indigogo. I told him that I would charge $50 for that and he was rude, condecending, and LOLing me for that. I explained that I can not work for free or for promises of future pay. Worse for promises of future pay on future labor that in itself would have been pay for the future work, not for the current work and video he was offering me a rain check payment on in the form of additional future pay from a percentage he would never specify.
After being insulted, spoken down on as if I was a slave, and realizing that this Sxean asshole is a terrible idiot who lies and manipulates. I decided that $50 was not worth dealing with this lying sack of shit. He was attempting to manipulate me into doing 3 days of machinist labor for a total of $50 when I told him in the begining that I charge $50 an hour for machinist labor. the $50 total price was for freestyle on a lathe. Work with Sxean however turned into milling, .01 tolerances, photos, constant photos, requests for video, and forever holding his hand and listening to how amazing his machine shop skills are and how terrible my work is.
So I politely told him that I quit. I have no interest in continuing with his project. And diplomatically explained that my terms were stated in email about the prices for freestyle and the price for machinist quality accuracy of cut. And I politely suggested that he find a machine shop that would allow him to use equipment to cut his own guitar picks. And the most rude thing I said was "with your skill level, it should only take you a few hours". Making a dig on the fact that this has now gone for 3 days, and how much he claims to be an expert.
His first response was what I expected. Underhanded insults covered in overly worded $5 vocabulary. Asking me "I thought you had this under control? What happened?" I had clearly explained what happened. I quit. I quit because he isnt paying me enough for the bullshit he is asking me to do as explained above. The difference between Freestyle, and demanding that I redo everything with .01 tolerances etc. I did tell him he would be better off doing the design and machining himself.
So I ignored him. And he called at least 20 times, leaving 20 voice mail messages of dead scilence. Most were the 3 minute maximum in lenght. Visible on my iphone.
Then he emailed me, threatening to call the police. Claiming that I stole his personal property. Threatening to throw my past record in my face and that nobody would believe me. Calling me a criminal, theif, hacker, claiming that the FBI, CIA, and State were investigating me for fraud, theft, forgery, bla bla bla, and everyone would believe him and not me. I insulted him like an African American from Compton. ha ha. (Which I am not African, American, nor from Compton.) He even claimed I was in jail for 4 months. (Actually it was 10 years, but whose counting?) My past is over 13 years old, and I have been clean and clear for 13 years. Thank you. He made reform insult jokes. And threatened many things, including physical assault by mixed martial arts. I am armed and not afraid. I told him off, with colorful language. Telling him that anything that ~I~ made in my machine shop is not his personal property. He did not pay me for what I made. And I would not want to do business with him anymore. He screamed and screamed, calling me a theif, claiming that the part I had made belonged to him. Telling me that I would never get a job or work ever again after he was done with me. Telling me that bad things will happen and I had 2 choices. Give him "his property", or suffer terrible dire consiquences that would last a lifetime bla bla bla, big bad blackmail threats.
He filed a ripoffreport on me. Even posting trash about another person who pissed off software pirates with an anti piracy system in secondlife, who was then accused of everything under the sun, by people just like Sxean who were criminals themselves accusing the person that stopped them (Creator of RedZone). Just as Sxean is accusing me of stealing, while demanding I give him what ~I~ made "or else..." bla bla bla.
No thanks Sxean. I do not fear you. Your big words will not convince me to square off with you in an unarmed fight. I will be armed if I see you again. No matter what you say, I do not care if you think you know Kung -fu bullshit. That is just more reason for me NOT to meet you, and instead defend myself with lethal forced as an armed civilian standing his ground.
For the third time, reread my email if you are confused about anything or have anything to say. I have made it very clear why I quit, and that my work is not for free, nor is my work for sale to you. Why? Because you insult me. So go f*** yourself.
Michael Prime is the Scammer. Loser Liar Thief,
Again the proof is here: