Swap VN

Country United States
State California
City San Frnacisco
Address 537 Jones St
Phone 415-606-8553
Website http://www.swapvn.com/

Swap VN Reviews

  • Mar 3, 2015

Ipage was broken the contract.

The first time was more than a year. Ipage had been deleted my folder/files that cause my web was not working. After I emailed Ipage legal department , my folder/files restored back to directory. I told them before I signed the contract, I asked the customers services about the disk space and mentioned my website will need a lot of the spaces because my web is social networking like FaceBook. A customer service who answered my phone told me no problem. Unlimited disk space, bandwidth and email. No one said other conditions. I believe Verbal contract is a legal contract.

This is my second times Ipage has been deleted my folder/files . I asked customer services why they deleted my files without my notice. Ray emailed me back and wrote they did. When I asked them I wanted to see that email because I didn't recieve it.

Ray wrote


As a follow up to your email I show no further emails from the period of February 8th through February 18th. To reiterate, we are unable to restore the files/content of which you are requesting to be restored. We no longer have these files in our system to restore, that window has now passed.

At this point I would strongly encourage you to review our full Terms of Service, specifically User Responsibilities, Disk Usage, and Limitations of Liability. Our Terms of Service can be located at ipage.com/legal/legal_useragreement.bml "

I have a screenshot my folder/files was in site backup and restore, but he did not want to do it. I told him I will hire some want to restore for me and he has to take care the bill.

"Regrettably, we are simply not in a position to negotiate with you regarding this situation, and have stated our position. Please note that should you choose to speak with an Attorney regarding this matter, we simply will not stop you here. Additionally, your Attorney may contact me directly if they have any questions. I would highly encourage your Attorney to review our Terms of Service prior to contacting me." He just uploaded new Term of Service when he gave me the link.

I think this is not right he has to use the Term when I signed a contract not now. My files will be disappeared at any time if Ipage wants to. Is it scary?

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