Hi..This is what happened to me with "Support Kids" This started way back in 2006 when I was contacted by Support Kids our ot Austin Tx, as that time i was arrears in my child support, Support Kids led me to believe they worked with the state of Iowa to collect child support. I ended up sending Support Kids, $12,000 Yes! $12,000 in about a 6 month peirod which should have made me even on my child support. Well!..Ha..3 attorneys later and it is now 2014, I cannot get any credit for the money I sent to Support Kids for chicld support, as I found out that most states will not honor a 3 rd party collector. So I have to pay my child support which i already paid!...TWICE!... Support Kids is a complete scam and a rip off, they prey on the mothers also and but for sure the father who owe child support, they donot tell you that you will get no credit for the money you send them and you will have to pay the state direlctly anyway. This is criminal!..they should not be allowed to operate, and I cannot beleive they are still in business. MY one attorney tried to serve them papers and couldnot even find the owners in Texas, as they hide. Support Kids needs to be shut down, it is just wrong.
Supportkids Services, Inc. Reviews
Hi..This is what happened to me with "Support Kids" This started way back in 2006 when I was contacted by Support Kids our ot Austin Tx, as that time i was arrears in my child support, Support Kids led me to believe they worked with the state of Iowa to collect child support. I ended up sending Support Kids, $12,000 Yes! $12,000 in about a 6 month peirod which should have made me even on my child support. Well!..Ha..3 attorneys later and it is now 2014, I cannot get any credit for the money I sent to Support Kids for chicld support, as I found out that most states will not honor a 3 rd party collector. So I have to pay my child support which i already paid!...TWICE!... Support Kids is a complete scam and a rip off, they prey on the mothers also and but for sure the father who owe child support, they donot tell you that you will get no credit for the money you send them and you will have to pay the state direlctly anyway. This is criminal!..they should not be allowed to operate, and I cannot beleive they are still in business. MY one attorney tried to serve them papers and couldnot even find the owners in Texas, as they hide. Support Kids needs to be shut down, it is just wrong.