
Country United States
State California
City Mountain View
Address 650 Castro St.
Phone not published: how fly-by-night of them!

Studypool Reviews

  • May 29, 2016, are absolute thieves. I do not pen this lightly. Please let me tell you why.

I am a retired professor. Other than one professor who has been with them forever, they suspend tutors regularly. Students are encouraged That's my only conclusion, since--when one starts--they all jump on the bandwagon) frivolously to complain that they didn't get their money worth; oops, you forgot to do these sixteen problems That weren't even originally specified); oh, i'm sorry, i really wanted this work, not that, please make good and invest ten more hours for free; etc.

This is not funny.

The company is incredibly unresponsive to these matters. They don't even publish a phone number!

I have worked for many online tutoring sites, and i have never seen the likes of this behavior. Further, i am not some third-world schmuck: i am a retired professor and ran a computer security consultancy for many years.

The behavior of these people is reprehensible. They charge money back to tutors who did a slam-bang job. They even lie about their commision, stating 20% and actually charging 30%. They also--while suspensions are "being investigated"--refuse to pay monies that have already been earned by tutors for work already accepted by the students. On what basis can this possibly be legal? Unfortunately, many of the tutors are third worlders who are afraid to Or culturally averse to) stand up for their own rights. Not this first worlder, who started by posting umpteen critiques at every blog that mentioned studypool and filling out a detailed complaint form with the attorney general of the state of california.

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