I worked for Anthony for 2 different companies. Abelard construction in St. Paul, MN and Euclid Roofing in Barrington, Illinois. When I was out working under one of his "Joint Ventures" for Euclid Roofing, I sold about 10 roofs in a 2 month period. Because we had an early winter last year and had to wrap things up in November, a few of the roofs I sold did not get build until Spring. I found out in the spring that the roofs were completed (homeowners were very unhappy with the work done overall and I dealt with a lot of quality control issues)
We not only lost a few of the contracts because roofers and siders would not show up. (one time they ripped off the siding against the homeowners wishes on Thanksgiving when the family went out of town to California to bury a family member and came back to their house in shambles-There was poor communication between the crews and the GC)
Their were 2 customers that did get their roofs built however, and the company has not paid me anything on. The Opperations manager, Gina Delmedico said, "you didn't really do anything to deserve to get paid out on it" even though I have an IC Agreement that states my responsibilities which I fullfilled, and the homeowners and my name is on the contract they signed.
And I have tried to be in touch with them time and time again, both Gina, and Anthony the owner, and have contacted them via phone call, text and email to no avail. I heard from another disgruntled employee that quit that they moved down to Florida to chase another storm. They also tarnished Euclid Roofings name in Barrington, Illinois from doing bad business. Euclid roofing is a company that has been around for 40 years.
Nearly every sales person that has worked with them has left because they steal jobs, take the money and run, and the salespeople get so frustrated because they do terrible work and are unprofessional.
Storm Ventures Group Reviews
I worked for Anthony for 2 different companies. Abelard construction in St. Paul, MN and Euclid Roofing in Barrington, Illinois. When I was out working under one of his "Joint Ventures" for Euclid Roofing, I sold about 10 roofs in a 2 month period. Because we had an early winter last year and had to wrap things up in November, a few of the roofs I sold did not get build until Spring. I found out in the spring that the roofs were completed (homeowners were very unhappy with the work done overall and I dealt with a lot of quality control issues)
We not only lost a few of the contracts because roofers and siders would not show up. (one time they ripped off the siding against the homeowners wishes on Thanksgiving when the family went out of town to California to bury a family member and came back to their house in shambles-There was poor communication between the crews and the GC)
Their were 2 customers that did get their roofs built however, and the company has not paid me anything on. The Opperations manager, Gina Delmedico said, "you didn't really do anything to deserve to get paid out on it" even though I have an IC Agreement that states my responsibilities which I fullfilled, and the homeowners and my name is on the contract they signed.
And I have tried to be in touch with them time and time again, both Gina, and Anthony the owner, and have contacted them via phone call, text and email to no avail. I heard from another disgruntled employee that quit that they moved down to Florida to chase another storm. They also tarnished Euclid Roofings name in Barrington, Illinois from doing bad business. Euclid roofing is a company that has been around for 40 years.
Nearly every sales person that has worked with them has left because they steal jobs, take the money and run, and the salespeople get so frustrated because they do terrible work and are unprofessional.