This gentleman came to my door and asked if I wanted to but some meat he was in a small white truck with refrigeration on the back. He brought in one box that was frozen for me to look at, I said I would but the box and then brought in another box as a bonus or special. I paid 399.00 for two boxes of beef that is horrible. I have some to my daughter who is a cook and she stated it was no good.
Steak House Grill Reviews
This gentleman came to my door and asked if I wanted to but some meat he was in a small white truck with refrigeration on the back. He brought in one box that was frozen for me to look at, I said I would but the box and then brought in another box as a bonus or special. I paid 399.00 for two boxes of beef that is horrible. I have some to my daughter who is a cook and she stated it was no good.