If it sounds too good to be true, it is. You will be offered listing to list that are low income properties. The maximum income per MONTH is $800. You will work like a straving dog and you will be promised it gets better, but it never does. Mcdonalds pays more and you work less hours and at least your money is guaranted. Management is week with no support and no clue of what and how to do it. Good Luck, you will find this is true. Keep an open eye for another job while you are there, be prepared. All good things come to an End.
State Street Realty Reviews
If it sounds too good to be true, it is. You will be offered listing to list that are low income properties. The maximum income per MONTH is $800. You will work like a straving dog and you will be promised it gets better, but it never does. Mcdonalds pays more and you work less hours and at least your money is guaranted. Management is week with no support and no clue of what and how to do it. Good Luck, you will find this is true. Keep an open eye for another job while you are there, be prepared. All good things come to an End.