This individual called my place of employment. A government facility. They falsly identified themselves as Police. Once my supervisor summoned me :immedialtely" to the phone the individual began by telling me she wanted my Visa number to get $760.oo which she stated I owed her company. If I did not comply I would have to go to court and pay $4,986.00 I informend her it was illegal to call and demand personal information and demand money of which I have no idea of. SHe became so threatning I hung up. I also reported incident to my Federal Police.
St Armands Circle Association Reviews
This individual called my place of employment. A government facility. They falsly identified themselves as Police. Once my supervisor summoned me :immedialtely" to the phone the individual began by telling me she wanted my Visa number to get $760.oo which she stated I owed her company. If I did not comply I would have to go to court and pay $4,986.00 I informend her it was illegal to call and demand personal information and demand money of which I have no idea of. SHe became so threatning I hung up. I also reported incident to my Federal Police.
Shay Baltimore, Maryland