This site and another called ONLYVOTERS.COM have more or less cornered the market in listing your present and past voting registration details. In some states everything is public record and sadly I live in one. They are arrogant, they do not really allow an opt out and they are generally just nasty about it. I never thought the day would come when your name and birthday and party affiliation became the righst of someone else to profit from. This is SLEAZE.
Sorted By Birth Date Reviews
This site and another called ONLYVOTERS.COM have more or less cornered the market in listing your present and past voting registration details. In some states everything is public record and sadly I live in one. They are arrogant, they do not really allow an opt out and they are generally just nasty about it. I never thought the day would come when your name and birthday and party affiliation became the righst of someone else to profit from. This is SLEAZE.