There is this company I just found out about while I was looking for work on Craigslist called Solavei. The ad said that you could sell T-mobile phone service from home so I was definitely interested so I replied to the ad. I found out the company, Solavei, was started by some executives from Motricity who conned a bunch of shareholders and investors out of their money by selling options for the stock and making millions for themselves while not telling the investors that the company's sales were going down and that targets were not being met.
The only picture of the management on the company website is for Ryan Weurch and in the videos he is in he barely seems like he can keep it together. He is laughing under his breath the whole time while looking extremely angry, like he is going to boil over, in other moments.
The company whose network they are using has UNLIMITED 4G data along with unlimited talk and text for not that much more so this and the fact that owners and founders of the company are questionable made me decide, even though I desperately need the money, to stay far away from this company and it's shoddy cell phone service.
Don't waste your time looking at this company like me, run as far and as fast as you can!
Solavei Reviews
There is this company I just found out about while I was looking for work on Craigslist called Solavei. The ad said that you could sell T-mobile phone service from home so I was definitely interested so I replied to the ad. I found out the company, Solavei, was started by some executives from Motricity who conned a bunch of shareholders and investors out of their money by selling options for the stock and making millions for themselves while not telling the investors that the company's sales were going down and that targets were not being met.
The only picture of the management on the company website is for Ryan Weurch and in the videos he is in he barely seems like he can keep it together. He is laughing under his breath the whole time while looking extremely angry, like he is going to boil over, in other moments.
The company whose network they are using has UNLIMITED 4G data along with unlimited talk and text for not that much more so this and the fact that owners and founders of the company are questionable made me decide, even though I desperately need the money, to stay far away from this company and it's shoddy cell phone service.
Don't waste your time looking at this company like me, run as far and as fast as you can!