Do not get a loan with these guys. The conditions are very vague, and they won't answer your phone calls or call you back if you have any questions. Their website is The store I bought my merchandise from said that they don't use these guys anymore, because they claim that they approve a lot of people and have a 90 day pay off with no interest, but none of it is true.
The store also said that their salesmen were dishonest and just told them lies to get them to sign up for the program. The employees are rude and not very knowledgeable about what they actually do. They say they are a finance company, but they are just a rent to own company. I bought a few items using their system and they didn't take my payments when they were supposed to, which lead to me always have to call in to find out what was going on, and the people who I would talk to were always rude and angry.
If you do need to use a company like this don't us Simple Finance, you will regret it, find a company that is organized and honest, and if you have a store avoid these guys, don't let them trick your customers into using their services, you will have nothing but problems.
Simple Finance Reviews
Do not get a loan with these guys. The conditions are very vague, and they won't answer your phone calls or call you back if you have any questions. Their website is The store I bought my merchandise from said that they don't use these guys anymore, because they claim that they approve a lot of people and have a 90 day pay off with no interest, but none of it is true.
The store also said that their salesmen were dishonest and just told them lies to get them to sign up for the program. The employees are rude and not very knowledgeable about what they actually do. They say they are a finance company, but they are just a rent to own company. I bought a few items using their system and they didn't take my payments when they were supposed to, which lead to me always have to call in to find out what was going on, and the people who I would talk to were always rude and angry.
If you do need to use a company like this don't us Simple Finance, you will regret it, find a company that is organized and honest, and if you have a store avoid these guys, don't let them trick your customers into using their services, you will have nothing but problems.