I was in top physical shape before using the Shake Weight. I am 59 years old. I do not smoke or drink. I am very proud of my health. Then I purchased the Shake Weight several months ago. My left shoulder is damaged after using the Shake Weight. I hate I ever purchased this product. I am in constant pain. My left shoulder has been permently damaged. I am now taking prescription drugs to releive the pain. I never took pain medication for an injury before. I was always careful with my weight training. Now I am so afraid I have done irreparable harm to my body. Everyone should know about this scam called the Shake Weight!!!!
Shake Weight Reviews
I was in top physical shape before using the Shake Weight. I am 59 years old. I do not smoke or drink. I am very proud of my health. Then I purchased the Shake Weight several months ago. My left shoulder is damaged after using the Shake Weight. I hate I ever purchased this product. I am in constant pain. My left shoulder has been permently damaged. I am now taking prescription drugs to releive the pain. I never took pain medication for an injury before. I was always careful with my weight training. Now I am so afraid I have done irreparable harm to my body. Everyone should know about this scam called the Shake Weight!!!!