We traded two puppies I sent her two beautlful females one of which is now dead and she doesnt knw what killed her no Necropsy and no vet report Just burried her as soon as she passed I mean withon hours She had already burried her when she called me and she had just come from the vet where she died. No necropsy!
This older puppy had been vet checked at least 4 tikes including the health check to fly her
and now she is telling me she had a heart attack? Im not buying this with a 3 dollar bill I have 3 generations and thre eof her half siblings and know many of the people i have sold puppies of the same breeding to NONE HAVE ANY HEART ISSUES ....NONE OF THEM One of her full sisters is an agility dog so that speaks for itself!
Grandparents on all sides (all 4) are still living and healthy placed a pets
One of the puppies I got died of parvo We are not sure if he even had his puppy vaccines.
WE DID A NECROPSY....We were sad but at least we know what killed him and could address the issue by having him creamted......I figered stuff happens w dogs but thenwhen my other male was having goat ossues (blue alopecia) I asked her to replave gim all the sudden she tells me my b***h died of a heart attack and was I goint o replae her? I said with a necropsy i would have but you have no c;ue what killed her and neitehr does your vet! I have 0 proof of what killed her and she was and oler pup w ALL her puppy vaccines!
The puppy I have is not fit for breeding he has thin alopecia coat and white lacing (a textbook symptom of this issue) on his ears She wanted me to sit on him utill he ws a year old to "see if the coat would come in" WORD PEOPLE....... Im a GOOD breeder..... I dont breed junk and this dog is JUNK....... because this issue is VERY VERY hereditary!!! I tried breeding blues for 5 years and sawe this regularly So I got oyt of this color as I dont breed major faults flaws or issues. I dont breed crap.......I TOLD HER I DINT WANT ANY ISSUES AND I DIDNT NEED A PET SHE said there were no issues in her blue lines I was very excited and asked if this happened if she would replace him She said YES NO worries well...... SHE LIED!!!!!!!!
Just so you all know being a breeder I am very aware that the Ca and Florida puppy lemon laws (the only two states that have these laws) are no good to you AFTER your dog is a year old!!
My name is Candi and my husband and I purchased a dog from Shabam Pets in November of 2014. Against my better judgement, I bought with only photos being sent to me, all of which i learned later were fake photos of another dog
I paid 1800.00 for a so called white pom puppy and i got a dingy dark creme puppy.
The dog arrived with a smell to it and it's fur and back were full of sores and fleas.
We went straight to the vet with the dog. We spend over $500 to get the dog well., Hobbs never offered one penny back to us
Thank you for all the people coming forward to file against this person.
I think we all should ban together and file a massive law suit against her.
We can do it, we have 40plus people ready to share their stories.
I am writing this on behalf of all others who have been scammed and lied to and stolen from by Tammy Hobbs Fisher DBA Shabam Pets.
In August of 2014 I bought a puppy from this lady and had it shipped to me. The puppy arrived in the most disgusting dirty kennel. It was a used kennel, all beaten up and chewed on. Yet, she charged me 75.00 for a kennel/carrier. The puppy was dirty, stunk and was sick. I had to go straight to my vet who said the puppy was severly dehydrated, had external and internal parasites and I had to leave him at the vet for 2 days while they pumped him with SubQ's and stabalized him after his horriffic beginning with this "breeder" and I use that term lightly.
Later I learnd that she had complaints about her all over the internet and I still did nothing, until this Facebook page appeared about a week ago asking for anyone who had bad dealings with her to please report her to a list of agencies.
I plan to do that. I checked with my local laws and i have up to a year to file a complaint on her with small claims, I am doing that tomorrow.
BAND together people and lets get this horrible person.
She never offered one cent of my money back. I paid 1500.00 for a sick dog. Never got papers, paid a 875.97 vet bill. The dog does not even look like a Pomeranian puppy. YOU never see any of her past dogs on her pages of happy families, i guess they are few and far between.
This woman worships witches, goes to show, in real life she is one, a mean, spiteful, hateful WITCH.
Tammy Fisher Hobbs of Shabam Pets, needs to be stopped. This woman has lied, cheated, stolen from people and sold sick animals to people.
According to Florida statue, she has over 100 animals in deploarable conditions. She has been denied a permit and rezoning for her to have this many dogs.
She breeds many different breeds, but claims to only breed one breed. She never produces any photographs of the dogs and the ones she does show are pitiful, dirty sickly looking dogs.
She has over 25 complaints from people. Most are THEFT. She has stolen money, not delivered the dogs, scammed thousands of dollars from people.
She is a nasty and vile person, thinks she is above the law and can run rough shot over anyone.
She refuses to pick up attorney letters when being sued for money back. Just blows it off and goes about her business to scam others.
I have worked on compiling a barage of her activities including arrest for fraud, theft and abuse of the elderly. (taking their money)
This is a greedy person who does not care about anyone but her pocket book. She is nasty to deal with, is just a mean cold hearted person. if she treats human's this way, how does she treat the animals.
She has stolen money from me and thinks I am going to let it go. I am working on a class action suit for ALL who have been taken by this person to sue her for all damages and for their money back
Join the fight. I plan to set up a email address for you to send all documentation to me so I can present a packet to turn over to the District Attorney in her county.
Work with me and on this and put an end to this woman and her theft. Let her get a real job and stop stealing from people and making money off the poor dogs.
Look at her profile, she is a witch, she practices witchcraft. EVIL is her name.
I will post an email and please send all you have to this email to send to the D.A. to prosocute her.
Shabams Pets Reviews
Tammy Fisher Hobbs of Shabams pets is a rip off
We traded two puppies I sent her two beautlful females one of which is now dead and she doesnt knw what killed her no Necropsy and no vet report Just burried her as soon as she passed I mean withon hours She had already burried her when she called me and she had just come from the vet where she died. No necropsy!
This older puppy had been vet checked at least 4 tikes including the health check to fly her
and now she is telling me she had a heart attack? Im not buying this with a 3 dollar bill I have 3 generations and thre eof her half siblings and know many of the people i have sold puppies of the same breeding to NONE HAVE ANY HEART ISSUES ....NONE OF THEM One of her full sisters is an agility dog so that speaks for itself!
Grandparents on all sides (all 4) are still living and healthy placed a pets
One of the puppies I got died of parvo We are not sure if he even had his puppy vaccines.
WE DID A NECROPSY....We were sad but at least we know what killed him and could address the issue by having him creamted......I figered stuff happens w dogs but thenwhen my other male was having goat ossues (blue alopecia) I asked her to replave gim all the sudden she tells me my b***h died of a heart attack and was I goint o replae her? I said with a necropsy i would have but you have no c;ue what killed her and neitehr does your vet! I have 0 proof of what killed her and she was and oler pup w ALL her puppy vaccines!
The puppy I have is not fit for breeding he has thin alopecia coat and white lacing (a textbook symptom of this issue) on his ears She wanted me to sit on him utill he ws a year old to "see if the coat would come in" WORD PEOPLE....... Im a GOOD breeder..... I dont breed junk and this dog is JUNK....... because this issue is VERY VERY hereditary!!! I tried breeding blues for 5 years and sawe this regularly So I got oyt of this color as I dont breed major faults flaws or issues. I dont breed crap.......I TOLD HER I DINT WANT ANY ISSUES AND I DIDNT NEED A PET SHE said there were no issues in her blue lines I was very excited and asked if this happened if she would replace him She said YES NO worries well...... SHE LIED!!!!!!!!
Just so you all know being a breeder I am very aware that the Ca and Florida puppy lemon laws (the only two states that have these laws) are no good to you AFTER your dog is a year old!!
My name is Candi and my husband and I purchased a dog from Shabam Pets in November of 2014. Against my better judgement, I bought with only photos being sent to me, all of which i learned later were fake photos of another dog
I paid 1800.00 for a so called white pom puppy and i got a dingy dark creme puppy.
The dog arrived with a smell to it and it's fur and back were full of sores and fleas.
We went straight to the vet with the dog. We spend over $500 to get the dog well., Hobbs never offered one penny back to us
Thank you for all the people coming forward to file against this person.
I think we all should ban together and file a massive law suit against her.
We can do it, we have 40plus people ready to share their stories.
I am writing this on behalf of all others who have been scammed and lied to and stolen from by Tammy Hobbs Fisher DBA Shabam Pets.
In August of 2014 I bought a puppy from this lady and had it shipped to me. The puppy arrived in the most disgusting dirty kennel. It was a used kennel, all beaten up and chewed on. Yet, she charged me 75.00 for a kennel/carrier. The puppy was dirty, stunk and was sick. I had to go straight to my vet who said the puppy was severly dehydrated, had external and internal parasites and I had to leave him at the vet for 2 days while they pumped him with SubQ's and stabalized him after his horriffic beginning with this "breeder" and I use that term lightly.
Later I learnd that she had complaints about her all over the internet and I still did nothing, until this Facebook page appeared about a week ago asking for anyone who had bad dealings with her to please report her to a list of agencies.
I plan to do that. I checked with my local laws and i have up to a year to file a complaint on her with small claims, I am doing that tomorrow.
BAND together people and lets get this horrible person.
She never offered one cent of my money back. I paid 1500.00 for a sick dog. Never got papers, paid a 875.97 vet bill. The dog does not even look like a Pomeranian puppy. YOU never see any of her past dogs on her pages of happy families, i guess they are few and far between.
This woman worships witches, goes to show, in real life she is one, a mean, spiteful, hateful WITCH.
Tammy Fisher Hobbs of Shabam Pets, needs to be stopped. This woman has lied, cheated, stolen from people and sold sick animals to people.
According to Florida statue, she has over 100 animals in deploarable conditions. She has been denied a permit and rezoning for her to have this many dogs.
She breeds many different breeds, but claims to only breed one breed. She never produces any photographs of the dogs and the ones she does show are pitiful, dirty sickly looking dogs.
She has over 25 complaints from people. Most are THEFT. She has stolen money, not delivered the dogs, scammed thousands of dollars from people.
She is a nasty and vile person, thinks she is above the law and can run rough shot over anyone.
She refuses to pick up attorney letters when being sued for money back. Just blows it off and goes about her business to scam others.
I have worked on compiling a barage of her activities including arrest for fraud, theft and abuse of the elderly. (taking their money)
This is a greedy person who does not care about anyone but her pocket book. She is nasty to deal with, is just a mean cold hearted person. if she treats human's this way, how does she treat the animals.
She has stolen money from me and thinks I am going to let it go. I am working on a class action suit for ALL who have been taken by this person to sue her for all damages and for their money back
Join the fight. I plan to set up a email address for you to send all documentation to me so I can present a packet to turn over to the District Attorney in her county.
Work with me and on this and put an end to this woman and her theft. Let her get a real job and stop stealing from people and making money off the poor dogs.
Look at her profile, she is a witch, she practices witchcraft. EVIL is her name.
I will post an email and please send all you have to this email to send to the D.A. to prosocute her.