Every month this company adds late charges to my note, on this house that I brought from them. If you use the night deposit for your payments, they do not get posted to your account. They lie to you and tell you that you the payment was used for other fees and you still owe that payment, but they can never tell you what the other fees are.I am missing over 1600.00 on two of my payments they are threatening to forclose because they say they sent the payments back to me, what a lie. I show them copies of my payments and they tell me I have to show them who cashed them. Three month ago they did the same thing with two other payments, I paid 5000.00 and they tell me they made a mistake and I am still behind,. I am ready to sue you cannot get caught up with these people. amanda houston, texas
Scott Wizzig Swe Homes Reviews
Every month this company adds late charges to my note, on this house that I brought from them. If you use the night deposit for your payments, they do not get posted to your account. They lie to you and tell you that you the payment was used for other fees and you still owe that payment, but they can never tell you what the other fees are.I am missing over 1600.00 on two of my payments they are threatening to forclose because they say they sent the payments back to me, what a lie. I show them copies of my payments and they tell me I have to show them who cashed them. Three month ago they did the same thing with two other payments, I paid 5000.00 and they tell me they made a mistake and I am still behind,. I am ready to sue you cannot get caught up with these people. amanda houston, texas