We fell for this scammer since the product line was so limited and unusual. I figured that 1. if it were a scammer then it'd have more common items than what I thought I was buying which was a Electric Vehicle charger,
and 2. They took long times to respond between emails. So we figured if they were eager to steal they would not leave unsuspecting victims inquiries unanswered.
Still I missed the present website and should have known better than to wire funds to a moozlim country!
The Hotmail email address ([email protected]) should have been a warning as well.
The scam is as follows.
1. Take the order for one unit, and collect the fees by wire.
2. Send an email saying "Sorry but we have a minimum order, We've already shipped six and here is tracking number".
3. The tracking number links to a shipping site of unknown repute which shows the shipment is on hold.
4. You are left with a choice of parting with your funds for one unit or throw good money after bad as hope springs eternal!
5. No response to emails requesting to cancel the unit order.
At least we did not fall for step-5.
In all we are out $370 plus wire fees.
If you don't pay by credit card or get the goods in advance you can consider it a guaranteed scam.
Sale-Tools.com Reviews
We fell for this scammer since the product line was so limited and unusual. I figured that 1. if it were a scammer then it'd have more common items than what I thought I was buying which was a Electric Vehicle charger,
and 2. They took long times to respond between emails. So we figured if they were eager to steal they would not leave unsuspecting victims inquiries unanswered.
Still I missed the present website and should have known better than to wire funds to a moozlim country!
The Hotmail email address ([email protected]) should have been a warning as well.
The scam is as follows.
1. Take the order for one unit, and collect the fees by wire.
2. Send an email saying "Sorry but we have a minimum order, We've already shipped six and here is tracking number".
3. The tracking number links to a shipping site of unknown repute which shows the shipment is on hold.
4. You are left with a choice of parting with your funds for one unit or throw good money after bad as hope springs eternal!
5. No response to emails requesting to cancel the unit order.
At least we did not fall for step-5.
In all we are out $370 plus wire fees.
If you don't pay by credit card or get the goods in advance you can consider it a guaranteed scam.