Safe auto the all to easy insurance company is exactly that. To easy they bill evey two weeks and cant wait for you not to pay. Thats how they profit. Fine print. They have to be breaking so many law feeding off the poor like so many scumbags. Just try to call to get any policy info. Haha..... Not going to happen on the phone . i will soon post on youtube a convetsation of them lying nonstop and dont even care because we are all fools.
Safe Auto has a reputation. Go online and read the complaints. They are all similar. Our daughters car was rearended by a customer do the famous Safe Auto. That's when the fun begins. trying to communicate with them is trying to fly a kite in a hurricane. Emails. Phone calls.good luck. Finally after four months of working through their "system" we get a paltry $550 dollars. Not what we have agreed to. So I want to go on record, if you are ever hit nob ya Safe Auto customer, you have just made an involuntary donation to the Safe Auto company and to society .
Safe Auto Insurance Company Reviews
Safe auto the all to easy insurance company is exactly that. To easy they bill evey two weeks and cant wait for you not to pay. Thats how they profit. Fine print. They have to be breaking so many law feeding off the poor like so many scumbags. Just try to call to get any policy info. Haha..... Not going to happen on the phone . i will soon post on youtube a convetsation of them lying nonstop and dont even care because we are all fools.
Safe Auto has a reputation. Go online and read the complaints. They are all similar. Our daughters car was rearended by a customer do the famous Safe Auto. That's when the fun begins. trying to communicate with them is trying to fly a kite in a hurricane. Emails. Phone calls.good luck. Finally after four months of working through their "system" we get a paltry $550 dollars. Not what we have agreed to. So I want to go on record, if you are ever hit nob ya Safe Auto customer, you have just made an involuntary donation to the Safe Auto company and to society .