This person charges high dollar fees to take individuals to auto auctions and then swindle them out of large sums of cash. More than what the actual vehicle is auctioned off for, women are usually his prey So, be careful if your in the market for a vehicle and someone refers you to this guy. He claims to be a wholesale dealer out of Southaven, Mississippi. His name is Ike Rochell...
This person charges high dollar fees to take individuals to auto auctions and then swindle them out of large sums of cash. More than what the actual vehicle is auctioned off for, women are usually his prey So, be careful if your in the market for a vehicle and someone refers you to this guy. He claims to be a wholesale dealer out of Southaven, Mississippi. His name is Ike Rochell...
Rochell's Elite Auto Reviews
This person charges high dollar fees to take individuals to auto auctions and then swindle them out of large sums of cash. More than what the actual vehicle is auctioned off for, women are usually his prey So, be careful if your in the market for a vehicle and someone refers you to this guy. He claims to be a wholesale dealer out of Southaven, Mississippi. His name is Ike Rochell...
This person charges high dollar fees to take individuals to auto auctions and then swindle them out of large sums of cash. More than what the actual vehicle is auctioned off for, women are usually his prey So, be careful if your in the market for a vehicle and someone refers you to this guy. He claims to be a wholesale dealer out of Southaven, Mississippi. His name is Ike Rochell...